219 South Main St. Barnegat, NJ
Phone: 609-698-1155
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The Importance of Healthy Gums: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Your Oral Health

Posts Tagged ‘ flossing ’

The Importance of Healthy Gums: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Your Oral Health

Posted on: July 17th, 2024 by admin

It’s no secret that good oral hygiene plays a significant role in maintaining overall health, yet, gum health often goes overlooked. The gums are a vital part of our mouths that not only keep our teeth in place but also protect them from harmful bacteria. However, poor gum health can lead to gingivitis, gum disease, and even tooth loss. In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of healthy gums, common oral health problems related to gum health, and how to take good care of your gums.

First and foremost, let’s talk about the role your gums play in your oral health. The gums act as a barrier that protects the roots of your teeth, as well as the supporting bones. This means that when gums start to recede, it exposes the sensitive nerve endings to hot and cold temperatures, making them more prone to sensitivity and pain. In addition, gum recession can create pockets where bacteria can thrive, leading to gum disease, which has been linked to various heart conditions and diabetes.

Speaking of gum disease, it’s a prevalent oral health problem that affects more than half of Americans over the age of 30. The early stages of gum disease, called gingivitis, often presents itself as bleeding, swollen, or sensitive gums and can be reversed with proper care. However, if left untreated, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis, where the bacteria begins to attack the bone that holds the teeth in place, leading to tooth loss.

So what can you do to take good care of your gums and prevent these issues? Start with proper oral hygiene, which includes brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and regular dental check-ups and cleanings. In addition, eating a balanced diet, reducing stress, and quitting smoking can also play a crucial role in maintaining healthy gums.

While anyone can develop gum issues, some factors increase the risk. For instance, aging plays a role in the gum’s health because as we get older, our gums become more fragile and susceptible to wear and tear. Additionally, certain medications, genetics, and hormonal changes can be contributing factors.

Your gums play a vital role in your oral health, and maintaining their health is essential for having a healthy and happy smile. Keep in mind that proper oral hygiene, regular dental check-ups, and adopting a healthy lifestyle can all help prevent gum-related issues. Don’t neglect your gums, as they are the unsung heroes of your oral health. By taking good care of them, you can maintain healthy teeth and gums that will serve you for a lifetime.

What you NEED to know about flossing!

Posted on: April 3rd, 2024 by admin

Look, we understand. A lot of people just don’t like to floss. In fact, up to half of all Americans don’t floss as often as they should.

But since flossing helps protect you from oral infections, bad breath, gum disease and more, this is really not a good thing!

Take a look at these 10 things you may not know about flossing and perhaps you’ll change your mind about this all-important hygiene habit.

  1. Some dentists in Southern Ocean County recommend flossing before you brush, not after, to help the fluoride from your toothpaste get between your teeth. However, this advice is not universal. There remains debate over whether or not this actually has any impact. Most dentists agree, though, that the most important thing is that you floss in the first place.
  2. If your gums bleed when you floss, you may be flossing improperly or at irregular intervals. Flossing on a regular basis with a good technique is essential.
  3. If you are not using clean floss for each tooth, you risk transferring bacteria around your mouth!
  4. Floss comes in flavors. You can find all the expected stuff – mint flavors, fruit flavors – and even bacon!
  5. If you have bridgework or wider spaces between your teeth, it may be best to use wide floss, also known as dental tape. This will give better coverage and ensure they remain cleaner and healthier.
  6. If you have closely spaced teeth, consider using waxed floss. This can be easier to slide between your teeth.
  7. Listen for the squeaking sound. You can hear when unwaxed floss is moving against clean teeth. This tells you that plaque has been removed.
  8. According to the American Dental Association, only about 50% of Americans floss daily, and 18% don’t floss at ALL.
  9. 27 percent of people LIE about how often they floss!
  10. If using floss feels weird to you, ask your Barnegat dental hygienist about other options. There are products that can provide the same sort of cleaning, including rubber-tips cleaners, pre-threaded flossers, tiny brushes, and more.

If you want to learn more about the importance of flossing, good flossing techniques, and how we can help, reach out to us at 609-698-1155 to set up an appointment with our hygienist, or contact us on Facebook.

10 Things You Should Know About Flossing

Posted on: March 29th, 2023 by admin

Look, we understand. A lot of people just don’t like to floss. In fact, up to half of all Americans don’t floss as often as they should.

But since flossing helps protect you from oral infections, bad breath, gum disease and more, this is really not a good thing!

Take a look at these 10 things you may not know about flossing and perhaps you’ll change your mind about this all-important hygiene habit.

  1. Some dentists in Southern Ocean County recommend flossing before you brush, not after, to help the fluoride from your toothpaste get between your teeth. However, this advice is not universal. There remains debate over whether or not this actually has any impact. Most dentists agree, though, that the most important thing is that you floss in the first place.
  2. If your gums bleed when you floss, you may be flossing improperly or at irregular intervals. Flossing on a regular basis with a good technique is essential.
  3. If you are not using clean floss for each tooth, you risk transferring bacteria around your mouth!
  4. Floss comes in flavors. You can find all the expected stuff – mint flavors, fruit flavors – and even bacon!
  5. If you have bridgework or wider spaces between your teeth, it may be best to use wide floss, also known as dental tape. This will give better coverage and ensure they remain cleaner and healthier.
  6. If you have closely spaced teeth, consider using waxed floss. This can be easier to slide between your teeth.
  7. Listen for the squeaking sound. You can hear when unwaxed floss is moving against clean teeth. This tells you that plaque has been removed.
  8. According to the American Dental Association, only about 50% of Americans floss daily, and 18% don’t floss at ALL.
  9. 27 percent of people LIE about how often they floss!
  10. If using floss feels weird to you, ask your Barnegat dental hygienist about other options. There are products that can provide the same sort of cleaning, including rubber-tips cleaners, pre-threaded flossers, tiny brushes, and more.

If you want to learn more about the importance of flossing, good flossing techniques, and how we can help, reach out to us at 609-698-1155 to set up an appointment with our hygienist, or contact us on Facebook.

12 facts about flossing

Posted on: May 12th, 2022 by admin

We get it. Flossing just isn’t that fun. In fact, as you’ll read below, up to half of all Americans don’t floss as often as they should.

However, since flossing helps protect you from oral infections, bad breath, gum disease and more, we can’t encourage people to skip the floss. It’s too essential to good oral health!

Take a look at these 12 things you may not know about flossing and maybe you will change your mind about it – and your dentist near Forked River will be glad you did!

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-woman-wearing-blue-zip-up-jacket-1090387/

  1. Some dental experts recommend flossing before you brush rather than after, to help the fluoride from your toothpaste get in between your teeth. However, there is still some debate over whether this actually has any impact or not. The most important thing is, most dentists agree that you floss.
  1. If your gums bleed when you floss, you may be doing it improperly or at irregular intervals. The trick is that regular flossing with a good technique is essential.
  1. If you are not using a clean stretch of floss for each tooth, you risk moving bacteria from one tooth to another!
  1. Floss comes in flavors for those who need a little boost to get themselves flossing. You can find all the expected flavors – mint, fruit, and even bacon. Yes, bacon flavored floss!
  1. If you have bridgework or wider than average spaces in between your teeth, it might be beneficial to use wide floss, also known as dental tape. This will give you better coverage so they remain cleaner and healthier.
  1. If you have closely spaced teeth, think about using waxed floss, which can be easier to slide between your teeth.
  1. Listen for the squeak: You can actually tell when unwaxed floss is sliding against clean teeth by the sound. This is your clue that plaque has been removed!
  1. Only about half of all Americans floss on a daily basis, and 18 percent don’t floss at all, according to the American Dental Association.
  1. 27 percent of people LIE about how much they floss!
  1. Any discomfort you experience when flossing usually disappears after the first week or so of regular flossing. It’s normal for it to feel “odd” when you first start, but that quickly goes away as long as you make it part of your routine.
  1. If using floss feels weird to you, ask your hygienist about other options. There are a number of products that can provide the same sort of cleaning, including rubber-tips cleaners, pre-threaded flossers, tiny brushes, and more.
  1. Waterpicks are NOT a replacement for dental floss because they do not remove plaque. They are for cleaning braces, but should not be used instead of flossing.

If you want to learn more about the importance of flossing, good flossing techniques, and how we can help, reach out to us at 609-698-1155 to set up an appointment with our hygienist.

You NEED to know these 10 facts about flossing!

Posted on: March 29th, 2022 by admin

Look, we get it. A lot of people just don’t like to floss. In fact, up to half of all Americans don’t floss as often as they should.

But since flossing helps protect you from oral infections, bad breath, gum disease and more, this is really not a good thing!


Take a look at these 10 things you may not know about flossing and perhaps you’ll change your mind about this all-important hygiene habit.

  1. Some dentists in Southern Ocean County recommend flossing before you brush, not after, to help the fluoride from your toothpaste get between your teeth. However, this advice is not universal. There remains debate over whether or not this actually has any impact. Most dentists agree, though, that the most important thing is that you floss in the first place.
  2. If your gums bleed when you floss, you may be flossing improperly or at irregular intervals. Flossing on a regular basis with a good technique is essential.
  3. If you are not using clean floss for each tooth, you risk transferring bacteria around your mouth!
  4. Floss comes in flavors. You can find all the expected stuff – mint flavors, fruit flavors – and even bacon!
  5. If you have bridgework or wider spaces between your teeth, it may be best to use wide floss, also known as dental tape. This will give better coverage and ensure they remain cleaner and healthier.
  6. If you have closely spaced teeth, consider using waxed floss. This can be easier to slide between your teeth.
  7. Listen for the squeaking sound. You can hear when unwaxed floss is moving against clean teeth. This tells you that plaque has been removed.
  8. According to the American Dental Association, only about 50% of Americans floss daily, and 18% don’t floss at ALL.
  9. 27 percent of people LIE about how often they floss!
  10. If using floss feels weird to you, ask your Barnegat dental hygienist about other options. There are products that can provide the same sort of cleaning, including rubber-tips cleaners, pre-threaded flossers, tiny brushes, and more.

If you want to learn more about the importance of flossing, good flossing techniques, and how we can help, reach out to us at 609-698-1155 to set up an appointment with our hygienist, or contact us on Facebook.

10 Facts You NEED to Know About Flossing

Posted on: March 17th, 2021 by admin

Look, we get it. A lot of people just don’t like to floss. In fact, up to half of all Americans don’t floss as often as they should.

But since flossing helps protect you from oral infections, bad breath, gum disease and more, this is really not a good thing!


Take a look at these 10 things you may not know about flossing and perhaps you’ll change your mind about this all-important hygiene habit.

  1. Some dentists in Southern Ocean County recommend flossing before you brush, not after, to help the fluoride from your toothpaste get between your teeth. However, this advice is not universal. There remains debate over whether or not this actually has any impact. Most dentists agree, though, that the most important thing is that you floss in the first place.
  2. If your gums bleed when you floss, you may be flossing improperly or at irregular intervals. Flossing on a regular basis with a good technique is essential.
  3. If you are not using clean floss for each tooth, you risk transferring bacteria around your mouth!
  4. Floss comes in flavors. You can find all the expected stuff – mint flavors, fruit flavors – and even bacon!
  5. If you have bridgework or wider spaces between your teeth, it may be best to use wide floss, also known as dental tape. This will give better coverage and ensure they remain cleaner and healthier.
  6. If you have closely spaced teeth, consider using waxed floss. This can be easier to slide between your teeth.
  7. Listen for the squeaking sound. You can hear when unwaxed floss is moving against clean teeth. This tells you that plaque has been removed.
  8. According to the American Dental Association, only about 50% of Americans floss daily, and 18% don’t floss at ALL.
  9. 27 percent of people LIE about how often they floss!
  10. If using floss feels weird to you, ask your Barnegat dental hygienist about other options. There are products that can provide the same sort of cleaning, including rubber-tips cleaners, pre-threaded flossers, tiny brushes, and more.

If you want to learn more about the importance of flossing, good flossing techniques, and how we can help, reach out to us at 609-698-1155 to set up an appointment with our hygienist, or contact us on Facebook.

12 Things You NEED To Know About Flossing

Posted on: May 14th, 2020 by admin

We get it. Flossing just isn’t that fun. In fact, as you’ll read below, up to half of all Americans don’t floss s often as they should.

However, since flossing helps protect you from oral infections, bad breath, gum disease and more, we can’t encourage people to skip the floss. It’s too essential to good oral health!

Take a look at these 12 things you may not know about flossing and maybe you will change your mind about it – and your dentist near Forked River will be glad you did!

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-woman-wearing-blue-zip-up-jacket-1090387/

  1. Some dental experts recommend flossing before you brush rather than after, to help the fluoride from your toothpaste get in between your teeth. However, there is still some debate over whether this actually has any impact or not. The most important thing is, most dentists agree that you floss.
  1. If your gums bleed when you floss, you may be doing it improperly or at irregular intervals. The trick is that regular flossing with a good technique is essential.
  1. If you are not using a clean stretch of floss for each tooth, you risk moving bacteria from one tooth to another!
  1. Floss comes in flavors for those who need a little boost to get themselves flossing. You can find all the expected flavors – mint, fruit, and even bacon. Yes, bacon flavored floss!
  1. If you have bridgework or wider than average spaces in between your teeth, it might be beneficial to use wide floss, also known as dental tape. This will give you better coverage so they remain cleaner and healthier.
  1. If you have closely spaced teeth, think about using waxed floss, which can be easier to slide between your teeth.
  1. Listen for the squeak: You can actually tell when unwaxed floss is sliding against clean teeth by the sound. This is your clue that plaque has been removed!
  1. Only about half of all Americans floss on a daily basis, and 18 percent don’t floss at all, according to the American Dental Association.
  1. 27 percent of people LIE about how much they floss!
  1. Any discomfort you experience when flossing usually disappears after the first week or so of regular flossing. It’s normal for it to feel “odd” when you first start, but that quickly goes away as long as you make it part of your routine.
  1. If using floss feels weird to you, ask your hygienist about other options. There are a number of products that can provide the same sort of cleaning, including rubber-tips cleaners, pre-threaded flossers, tiny brushes, and more.
  1. Waterpicks are NOT a replacement for dental floss because they do not remove plaque. They are for cleaning braces, but should not be used instead of flossing.

If you want to learn more about the importance of flossing, good flossing techniques, and how we can help, reach out to us at 609-698-1155 to set up an appointment with our hygienist.

10 Things Everyone Should Know About Flossing

Posted on: March 25th, 2020 by admin

Look, we get it. A lot of people just don’t like to floss. In fact, up to half of all Americans don’t floss as often as they should.

But since flossing helps protect you from oral infections, bad breath, gum disease and more, this is really not a good thing!


Take a look at these 10 things you may not know about flossing and perhaps you’ll change your mind about this all-important hygiene habit.

  1. Some dentists in Southern Ocean County recommend flossing before you brush, not after, to help the fluoride from your toothpaste get between your teeth. However, this advice is not universal. There remains debate over whether or not this actually has any impact. Most dentists agree, though, that the most important thing is that you floss in the first place.
  2. If your gums bleed when you floss, you may be flossing improperly or at irregular intervals. Flossing on a regular basis with a good technique is essential.
  3. If you are not using clean floss for each tooth, you risk transferring bacteria around your mouth!
  4. Floss comes in flavors. You can find all the expected stuff – mint flavors, fruit flavors – and even bacon!
  5. If you have bridgework or wider spaces between your teeth, it may be best to use wide floss, also known as dental tape. This will give better coverage and ensure they remain cleaner and healthier.
  6. If you have closely spaced teeth, consider using waxed floss. This can be easier to slide between your teeth.
  7. Listen for the squeaking sound. You can hear when unwaxed floss is moving against clean teeth. This tells you that plaque has been removed.
  8. According to the American Dental Association, only about 50% of Americans floss daily, and 18% don’t floss at ALL.
  9. 27 percent of people LIE about how often they floss!
  10. If using floss feels weird to you, ask your Barnegat dental hygienist about other options. There are products that can provide the same sort of cleaning, including rubber-tips cleaners, pre-threaded flossers, tiny brushes, and more.

If you want to learn more about the importance of flossing, good flossing techniques, and how we can help, reach out to us at 609-698-1155 to set up an appointment with our hygienist, or contact us on Facebook.

12 Essentials to Know About Flossing

Posted on: May 14th, 2019 by admin

We get it. Flossing just isn’t that fun. In fact, as you’ll read below, up to half of all Americans don’t floss s often as they should.

However, since flossing helps protect you from oral infections, bad breath, gum disease and more, we can’t encourage people to skip the floss. It’s too essential to good oral health!

Take a look at these 12 things you may not know about flossing and maybe you will change your mind about it – and your dentist near Forked River will be glad you did!

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-woman-wearing-blue-zip-up-jacket-1090387/

  1. Some dental experts recommend flossing before you brush rather than after, to help the fluoride from your toothpaste get in between your teeth. However, there is still some debate over whether this actually has any impact or not. The most important thing is, most dentists agree that you floss.
  1. If your gums bleed when you floss, you may be doing it improperly or at irregular intervals. The trick is that regular flossing with a good technique is essential.
  1. If you are not using a clean stretch of floss for each tooth, you risk moving bacteria from one tooth to another!
  1. Floss comes in flavors for those who need a little boost to get themselves flossing. You can find all the expected flavors – mint, fruit, and even bacon. Yes, bacon flavored floss!
  1. If you have bridgework or wider than average spaces in between your teeth, it might be beneficial to use wide floss, also known as dental tape. This will give you better coverage so they remain cleaner and healthier.
  1. If you have closely spaced teeth, think about using waxed floss, which can be easier to slide between your teeth.
  1. Listen for the squeak: You can actually tell when unwaxed floss is sliding against clean teeth by the sound. This is your clue that plaque has been removed!
  1. Only about half of all Americans floss on a daily basis, and 18 percent don’t floss at all, according to the American Dental Association.
  1. 27 percent of people LIE about how much they floss!
  1. Any discomfort you experience when flossing usually disappears after the first week or so of regular flossing. It’s normal for it to feel “odd” when you first start, but that quickly goes away as long as you make it part of your routine.
  1. If using floss feels weird to you, ask your hygienist about other options. There are a number of products that can provide the same sort of cleaning, including rubber-tips cleaners, pre-threaded flossers, tiny brushes, and more.
  1. Waterpicks are NOT a replacement for dental floss because they do not remove plaque. They are for cleaning braces, but should not be used instead of flossing.

If you want to learn more about the importance of flossing, good flossing techniques, and how we can help, reach out to us at 609-698-1155 to set up an appointment with our hygienist.

10 Thing You Should Know About Flossing

Posted on: March 6th, 2019 by admin No Comments

Look, we get it. A lot of people just don’t like to floss. In fact, up to half of all Americans don’t floss as often as they should.

But since flossing helps protect you from oral infections, bad breath, gum disease and more, this is really not a good thing!


Take a look at these 10 things you may not know about flossing and perhaps you’ll change your mind about this all-important hygiene habit.

  1. Some dentists in Southern Ocean County recommend flossing before you brush, not after, to help the fluoride from your toothpaste get between your teeth. However, this advice is not universal. There remains debate over whether or not this actually has any impact. Most dentists agree, though, that the most important thing is that you floss in the first place.
  2. If your gums bleed when you floss, you may be flossing improperly or at irregular intervals. Flossing on a regular basis with a good technique is essential.
  3. If you are not using clean floss for each tooth, you risk transferring bacteria around your mouth!
  4. Floss comes in flavors. You can find all the expected stuff – mint flavors, fruit flavors – and even bacon!
  5. If you have bridgework or wider spaces between your teeth, it may be best to use wide floss, also known as dental tape. This will give better coverage and ensure they remain cleaner and healthier.
  6. If you have closely spaced teeth, consider using waxed floss. This can be easier to slide between your teeth.
  7. Listen for the squeaking sound. You can hear when unwaxed floss is moving against clean teeth. This tells you that plaque has been removed.
  8. According to the American Dental Association, only about 50% of Americans floss daily, and 18% don’t floss at ALL.
  9. 27 percent of people LIE about how often they floss!
  10. If using floss feels weird to you, ask your Barnegat dental hygienist about other options. There are products that can provide the same sort of cleaning, including rubber-tips cleaners, pre-threaded flossers, tiny brushes, and more.

If you want to learn more about the importance of flossing, good flossing techniques, and how we can help, reach out to us at 609-698-1155 to set up an appointment with our hygienist, or contact us on Facebook.