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10 Thing You Should Know About Flossing

Posts Tagged ‘ teeth ’

10 Thing You Should Know About Flossing

Posted on: March 14th, 2018 by admin No Comments

Look, we get it. A lot of people just don’t like to floss. In fact, up to half of all Americans don’t floss as often as they should.

But since flossing helps protect you from oral infections, bad breath, gum disease and more, this is really not a good thing!


Take a look at these 10 things you may not know about flossing and perhaps you’ll change your mind about this all-important hygiene habit.

  1. Some dentists in Southern Ocean County recommend flossing before you brush, not after, to help the fluoride from your toothpaste get between your teeth. However, this advice is not universal. There remains debate over whether or not this actually has any impact. Most dentists agree, though, that the most important thing is that you floss in the first place.
  2. If your gums bleed when you floss, you may be flossing improperly or at irregular intervals. Flossing on a regular basis with a good technique is essential.
  3. If you are not using clean floss for each tooth, you risk transferring bacteria around your mouth!
  4. Floss comes in flavors. You can find all the expected stuff – mint flavors, fruit flavors – and even bacon!
  5. If you have bridgework or wider spaces between your teeth, it may be best to use wide floss, also known as dental tape. This will give better coverage and ensure they remain cleaner and healthier.
  6. If you have closely spaced teeth, consider using waxed floss. This can be easier to slide between your teeth.
  7. Listen for the squeaking sound. You can hear when unwaxed floss is moving against clean teeth. This tells you that plaque has been removed.
  8. According to the American Dental Association, only about 50% of Americans floss daily, and 18% don’t floss at ALL.
  9. 27 percent of people LIE about how often they floss!
  10. If using floss feels weird to you, ask your Barnegat dental hygienist about other options. There are products that can provide the same sort of cleaning, including rubber-tips cleaners, pre-threaded flossers, tiny brushes, and more.

If you want to learn more about the importance of flossing, good flossing techniques, and how we can help, reach out to us at 609-698-1155 to set up an appointment with our hygienist, or contact us on Facebook.

If You Want Whiter Teeth, Avoid These Food And Drinks

Posted on: December 11th, 2017 by admin No Comments


header_bridgesYou want whiter teeth. We all do. The confidence that comes with having a white, bright smile can be a huge part of living a happy life.

Modern teeth whitening treatments can help you get the glowing teeth you’ve always wanted, but if you want to keep that smile you’ll want to avoid eating or drinking too much of the following:

  • Coffee – You had to know this would make the list. As much as many of us don’t like to hear it, coffee is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to staining your teeth. It may be the morning pick me up for half of America, but it’s also putting a damper on our bright smiles.
  • Red Wine – Like coffee, red wine is a big favorite that can also wreak havoc with our teeth. It’s no surprise that so many red wine enthusiasts end up seeking a teeth whitening treatment, available to people in Barnegat, Manahawkin, Forked River and beyond. Long years of the good stuff is a great part of your social life, but a bad part of your dental life.
  • Tea – Sorry, caffeine lovers, switching from coffee to tea will not cure your teeth staining blues. In fact, tea can be even more aggressive on your teeth than coffee. High in tannins and somewhat acidic, a lot of tea in your diet can be bad news for your teeth (and also, incidentally, for your kidneys). The good news is, black tea is the primary culprit. Switching to green, white and herbal teas can help.
  • Cola – Your dentist in Ocean County has probably been telling you for years that soda is bad for your teeth. It’s something we all learned in childhood: all that sugar in soda will rot away your teeth. What they didn’t tell us is that cola can stain your teeth, too. The sugar, when couples with the dyes and coloring and other ingredients of cola, means you’ll be seeking a teeth whitening after a few years of regular cola consumption.
  • Blueberries – Blueberries are a great part of your diet. High in antioxidants, they’re some of the very best fruits you can be eating – except, of course, when it comes to your teeth. Blueberries are especially high in tooth-staining colors, which is one of the reasons they were historically used in dyes. Blackberries, raspberries and other dark berries have similar qualities, but blueberries are by far the worst. Keep eating them – they’re good for you – just be sure to brush when you’re done.
  • Tomato Sauce – Sorry, pasta lovers, but that great red sauce that is used in every other pasta dish you enjoy also has qualities that can contribute to stained teeth. The acidic nature of tomatoes coupled with their deep red color means that you may want to see your Ocean County dentist after long years of eating Italian food.

All of this may seem like bad news, but it’s not. Most of the above food and drinks have good health qualities (though you may want to skip the cola), and their staining effects can be reversed by modern teeth whitening treatments. Remember, consume them in moderation, practice good oral hygiene, and you can have a great smile your whole life long.