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How oral health leads to better health overall

Archive for July, 2022

How oral health leads to better health overall

Posted on: July 27th, 2022 by admin

Your mouth is a funny place. Your body is fairly easy to keep clean and healthy when compared to your mouth. As long as you shower daily, eat right and get some exercise, generally speaking your body is going to treat you fairly well. Your mouth is another story. Your mouth is a place that is warm and wet, and that makes it a great place for germs and bacteria to thrive. It’s also filled with tiny little nooks and crannies that create perfect places for oral problems to begin. And finally, it acts as the gateway to your insides.

That’s why taking good care of your mouth requires some work on your part – just as your Southern Ocean County dental office tells you!

And make no mistake, it’s a relatively small effort that you’ll want to make, because your oral health is closely tied to your overall health. Here’s how:

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/group-of-people-having-fun-together-under-the-sun-708392/

Periodontal Disease

Some recent studies now prove there are links between periodontal disease and other oral afflictions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. dentists have found that they can often diagnose those conditions early in part by your oral health.

Good Digestion

Your every bodily function begins and ends with your body’s ability to turn food into energy, and that entire process begins in your mouth.

Heart Disease

It might seem to be counter intuitive that these two things would be linked, but a study from 2008 in the Journal of General Internal Medicine suggested that periodontal disease was a risk factor for heart disease. A few follow-up studies also appear to show that treating periodontal disease can also lower’s a person’s risk for heart disease.


Diabetes shows itself in a number of ways, among them in gum inflammation. This is something your dentist might notice, allowing you to spot early warning signs of the disease.

Preterm Labor

This is another that may surprise you. We now know that pregnancy increases the risk of gum disease and other oral maladies, and further, gum disease increases the risk of low birth weight and preterm labor. So these things are linked!


Earlier when we said your mouth was a good place for bacteria and germs to gather, we weren’t kidding. Under some conditions, breathing in germs may put you at an increased risk of developing pneumonia thanks to those factors. That’s a good reason to have good oral hygiene!


Current studies are still looking into this, but a few researchers believe that suffering from both osteoporosis and periodontal disease could lead to faster bone loss. That’s not really a risk you want to take then, is it?


This link still being studied, but it’s worth noting. A study published in the Journal of Periodontology is one of several trying to establish a connection between these two inflammatory disorders.

With all of the above in mind, it appears that a good idea is to follow the advice of your dentist in Ocean County when they tell you to do better at care of your mouth. Wouldn’t you agree?

By now you know what to do: Brush at least twice daily, ever day! Floss daily. Be sure to use mouthwash. Go for regular checkups with your dentist. Avoid food and drinks high in sugar. And so on.

Why? Because these things may seem minor, so small that sometimes you can’t be bothered to follow through, but they can play a role in protecting a much bigger, interconnected system – you body.

How to choose the right toothpaste for you

Posted on: July 20th, 2022 by admin

When it comes to oral health, toothpaste is one of the most important tools in your arsenal. It helps remove plaque and bacteria from your teeth and gums, and can also help fight off cavities and other dental problems. But with so many different types of toothpaste on the market, how do you know which one is right for you? In this article, we will discuss what to look for in a toothpaste, how toothpaste helps maintain oral health, and how to choose the right toothpaste for your needs!

When choosing a toothpaste, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, consider what your specific oral health needs are. If you have sensitive teeth, for example, you will want to choose a toothpaste that is designed for sensitivity. If you are looking to whiten your teeth, on the other hand, you will want to choose a toothpaste that contains whitening agents. Second, make sure to read the labels on all of the different types of toothpaste before making your final decision. This will help you understand what each type of toothpaste contains and how it can benefit your oral health.

Once you have considered these factors, it is time to choose the right toothpaste for you! Here at our Manahawkin dental office, we always recommend that our patients use fluoride toothpaste to help protect their teeth from cavities and other dental problems. Fluoride is a natural element that helps strengthen the enamel on your teeth, making them more resistant to decay. If you are looking for a toothpaste that does not contain fluoride, however, there are still many great options available. Just be sure to read the labels carefully so that you can choose the right one for your needs!

We hope this article has helped you understand how to choose the right toothpaste for you and your oral health needs. Remember, there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to choosing a toothpaste – what works for one person may not work for another. Just be sure to consider your specific needs and read the labels carefully before making your final decision. If you have any further questions, or would like to schedule an appointment with our office, please feel free to contact us today!

5 Reasons the Jersey Shore near Manahawkin is something special

Posted on: July 13th, 2022 by admin

Don’t the show of the same name fool you. The Jersey Shore is a terrific place to live. This is especially true in Southern Ocean County around Barnegat, Manahawkin, and Forked River, where there are a wealth of benefits that will quickly have you living the good life.

Don’t believe us? Just take a look at these five great reasons to live at the shore:

Jersey Strong

1) Watersports

For those who like their life to be on the exciting side, the Jersey coast offers some of the best areas for jet skiing, water skiing, surfing, and much more.

Whether you already own equipment or just want to rent it, shops and rentals places are so numerous you’ll be tripping over them.

Even better, the waters here are made for activities like this. Our bays, waterways and oceans are perfect for waverunners, paddle boarding, and much more.

2) Boating and Fishing

New Jersey has some of the best boating and fishing on the East Coast (and anyone who follows our Facebook knows our doctors take full advantage of it!).

Whether you like relaxing on a bay and enjoying the sun with friends, or like to take a boat out on the Atlantic and engage in some serious fishing, the opportunities to both are endless here. The Garden State has a thriving fishing and boating community that dates back hundreds of years, with a wealth of fishing clubs, charter boats, yacht clubs, and much more available. If you live someplace like Renaissance on The Ocean, it’s easy to access this great aspect of the shore.

3) Beautiful Beaches

There is a reason why so many people come to the Jersey Shore each summer: because it’s beautiful! No matter the type of experience you want, New Jersey offers it. We have quaint, quiet communities with relaxing beaches, party towns with thriving nightclub scenes, towns that specialize in historic inns and bed and breakfasts, fishing towns, communities geared towards families, towns that focus on boardwalks and amusements, and much more. New Jersey beaches in Ship Bottom, Long Beach Island, and elsewhere are the place to be!

4) The Outdoors

In addition to watersports, beaches and more, the Jersey coast has something a lot of people don’t realize: some gorgeous state and federal parks featuring pristine coastland. These preserves boast great hiking trails, lush dunes, and abundant wildlife. You can see a side of New Jersey you never imagined!

5) Easy Access To NYC and Philly

Being at the Jersey Shore doesn’t mean you always have to STAY at the Jersey Shore. Thanks to 195 and the Parkway, access to New York City and Philadelphia is incredibly easy, making day trips into the city a breeze. Even Baltimore is an easy three-hour drive away, a perfect way to catch Phillies, Yankees and Mets games without having to deal with the home town crowds. It’s just one more thing that makes living at the shore so desirable!

With these things in mind, it’s hard to ignore how great the Jersey Shore can be!

Easy Ways to Get Over Your Fear of the Dentist

Posted on: July 6th, 2022 by admin

Dentist appointments are never at the top of anyone’s list of fun things to do, but they are a necessary part of maintaining your oral health. If you’re struggling with a fear of the dentist, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Millions of people around the world feel the same way. In this article, we will discuss some easy ways to get over your fear and make your next dentist appointment a breeze!

One of the best ways to get over your fear of the dentist is to educate yourself on what exactly happens during a dental appointment. Many people feel anxious about going to the dentist because they don’t know what to expect. If you take the time to learn about the different procedures that your dentist may perform, you will feel more comfortable and confident when it comes time for your appointment. And remember, Dental office procedures these days are now easier and more painless than ever before.

Another great way to ease your fears is to find a dentist that you trust and feel comfortable with. When you have a good relationship with your dentist, you will be more likely to relax and feel confident during your appointments. Be sure to communicate any concerns or questions that you have with your dentist so that they can help put your mind at ease.

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re struggling with your fear of the dentist. If you have a friend or family member who is also afraid of the dentist, ask them to come with you to your appointment. Having someone there to support you can make a world of difference. You can also ask us to ease you through the process, too. We aim to make your visit to your favorite dentist near Manahawkin as smooth as possible!

If you follow these tips, you will be on your way to conquering your fear of the dentist in no time! Schedule an appointment today and see for yourself how easy it can be.