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A Brief History of the local Jersey Shore region

Archive for November, 2022

A Brief History of the local Jersey Shore region

Posted on: November 30th, 2022 by admin

What comes to mind when you think of the Jersey shore? Sun, sand, and sea, right? The shore area of New Jersey has been a popular tourist destination for generations. People have come to enjoy the beaches, the boardwalks, and the nightlife.

But what is the history of this region? How did it become what it is today? In this article, we will take a look at the history of Long Beach Island, Barnegat, Forked River, Manahawkin, and Little Egg Harbor. We will explore how each town developed and grew over time. So pack your sunscreen and put on your shades – it’s time to hit the beach!

Long Beach Island is a barrier island off the coast of New Jersey. It is 18 miles long and about half a mile wide. The island is home to many towns, including Beach Haven, Ship Bottom, Surf City, and Barnegat Light. Long Beach Island was originally inhabited by the Lenape Native Americans. In 1609, the first European explorer to visit the region, Henry Hudson, sailed up the river that now bears his name. The Dutch soon settled in the area, and in 1664, they took control of the colony from the English. The Dutch named the island “Longa Eylandt,” which means “long island.”

In 1782, during the American Revolutionary War, British troops occupied Long Beach Island.

After the war, the island became a popular summer resort for wealthy Philadelphians. In 1854, the first hotel was built on the island. It was called the Surf Hotel, and it was located in Beach Haven. More hotels were built in the following years, and the island became known as a summer playground for the rich and famous.

In 1927, a massive hurricane struck Long Beach Island, causing extensive damage to the island’s towns and infrastructure. Many of the island’s hotels were destroyed, and many people lost their homes. The hurricane was a turning point for Long Beach Island. It was no longer seen as a safe place to vacation, and many people stopped coming to the island.

In the years following the hurricane, the island’s economy declined. Many of the island’s residents left, and those who stayed behind struggled to make ends meet. In 1962, another hurricane struck Long Beach Island, causing even more damage than the first one. This time, the island was hit by a tidal wave that was nearly 20 feet high. The waves destroyed homes, businesses, and infrastructure. Once again, the island’s economy took a hit, and many people left.

In recent years, Long Beach Island has made a comeback. Thanks to its natural beauty and its convenient location (it’s just a short drive from New York City and Philadelphia), the island has become a popular destination for tourists and second-homeowners. Today, Long Beach Island is a bustling community with a vibrant economy and is among the wealthiest communities in New Jersey.

Barnegat is a township in Ocean County located on Barnegat Bay, and it is home to the Barnegat Lighthouse. The town was originally named “Barent Gat” after its founder, Barend Janssen Gat.

Forked River is home to the Forked River State Marina. The town was originally named “Voorhees” after its founder, Cornelius Voorhees.

Little Egg Harbor is home to the Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge. The town was originally named “Foure Mile Run” because it was four miles from the nearest Dutch settlement.

Your First Visit to a Nutritionist

Posted on: November 16th, 2022 by admin

Consulting with a nutritionist is a great way to get tailored information about improving your eating habits and making better health choices. But if you’ve never been to see a nutritionist before, you might not know what to expect. According to a recent survey, many people fear being judged by a nutritionist or worry that the visit will be too expensive.

So here’s a quick overview of what you can expect during your first visit.

1. Lots of questions

During your first visit, the nutritionist will likely ask about your medical history, family history, and eating habits. They may also ask about your weight-loss goals and any other health concerns you have. Be prepared to answer these questions honestly so the nutritionist can clearly understand your health situation and make the best recommendations.

When answering these questions, it’s also important to be open and honest about any challenges you face with your diet or eating habits. The nutritionist is there to help you overcome these challenges, not to judge you. You may be surprised at how easy it is to open up about your eating habits when talking to someone who is supportive and non-judgmental.

2. Health tests

Sometimes, the nutritionist may recommend that you have some health tests done before your first visit. These tests can help the nutritionist understand any underlying health conditions affecting your diet or eating habits. This is not always necessary, but it can be helpful in some cases. Your nutritionist only wants what’s best for you, so if they recommend testing, it’s probably in your best interest to do it.

One test the nutritionist may recommend is a laboratory chemistry analyzer to check for deficiencies in vitamins and minerals. This test is usually covered by insurance, so you shouldn’t have to worry about the cost. But if you’re not covered by insurance, the nutritionist may be able to provide you with a discount.

3. A personalized plan

The nutritionist will then use the information you provided to create a personalized nutrition plan. This plan may include recommendations for specific foods to eat or avoid, portion sizes, and meal timing. They may also recommend supplements or other lifestyle changes to help you reach your goals. Many nutritionists also offer ongoing support, so you can check in with them periodically to see how you’re doing and make any necessary adjustments to your plan.

Of course, the plan will only work if you’re willing to commit to it. So be honest with yourself about whether you’re ready to make some changes to your diet and lifestyle. If you’re not ready, that’s okay. The nutritionist can still provide some useful information and resources. But if you’re not willing to make any changes, the nutritionist may not be able to help you much.

4. Follow-up visits

The nutritionist will likely schedule follow-up visits so that they can monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your plan. These follow-up visits are crucial to helping you reach your long-term health goals. You may not need to see the nutritionist as often once you’ve made some progress, but it’s important to keep them in the loop so they can help you stay on track.

Some nutritionists also offer online or phone support between visits. This can be helpful if you have any questions or need some motivation. Ask your nutritionist if they offer this service so you can take advantage of it if you need to. If not, plenty of other resources are available online and in books to help you stay on track.

5. An investment in your health

Seeing a nutritionist is an investment in your health. It’s important to remember that you’re not just paying for their time. You’re also paying for their expertise and knowledge. This is something that you can’t put a price on. The cost of seeing a nutritionist will vary depending on the nutritionist’s experience, location, and the services they offer. Many insurance plans cover at least some of the cost of seeing a nutritionist. If your insurance doesn’t cover it, there may be other options available to help you pay for it.

If you’re considering consulting with a nutritionist, you don’t need to be nervous! Just be prepared to answer some questions about your medical history, family history, and current eating habits. The nutritionist will use this information to create a personalized plan for you that includes recommendations for specific foods to eat or avoid, portion sizes, and meal timing. With the help of a qualified nutritionist, you’ll be on your way to reaching your long-term health goals in no time!

Some BIG reasons why your oral health is important

Posted on: November 9th, 2022 by admin

The health of your mouth is important – probably more important than you realize. Good habits can improve your oral health, and can also improve your overall health as well. The bottom line is simple: visiting your dentist serving Manahawkin is a big deal to your overall well being!

In fact, there is strong scientific evidence that your oral health can have a direct role in the health of your entire body. It’s true! Read the following and you’ll see how.

Your Habits When It Comes To Oral Health Can Affect Your Weight

It’s a scientifically proven fact: a good oral hygiene routine can have an impact on your weight. It’s true! You see, brushing your teeth signals your brain that you are finished eating. Try it yourself and see what happens. You will have a suppressed appetite. In other words, break out that tooth brush! The folks at your dentist office near Manahawkin will be glad about it, too.

You’ll Look Better Than Ever

If we’re honest with ourselves, we all want to look as good as we can. Your mouth is an important part of that, since your eyes and smile are the first two things people notice.  So with that in mind, good oral hygiene is not just important for your health, it helps you look and feel better than ever. A bright smile can boost your confidence, and that is priceless.

Oral Infections Often Spread

When you have gum disease it can lead to oral infections, and those infections can spread to other parts of your body. They can worsen digestive issues, spread to the heart and result in bacterial endocarditis, and more. This is why some diseases can be diagnosed by symptoms in your mouth. Some of them include heart disease, diabetes, leukemia, and kidney disease.

The Link between Gum Disease And Diabetes

Your dentist serving Manahawkin knows that people suffering from diabetes are more prone to gum disease. We also now know that the link may go in the other direction. In other words, gum disease may contribute to diabetes by impacting blood glucose control. According to the Canadian Diabetes Association, the bacteria associated with gum disease produces toxins that can increase insulin resistance and, as a result, blood glucose levels.

Bad Oral Health Can Affect Your Pregnancy

Pregnant women already know they’re eating for two. What they might not know is that bad oral health can affect their baby. Doctors have linked periodontitis to low birth weight and premature birth. Good reason to maintain a healthy mouth!

What all this means is simple: it’s a good idea to take good care of your mouth, because it can have a major impact on your overall health! Ask your dentists near Manahawkin for more information on how your healthy and oral hygiene are linked so you can learn how good habits can benefit you.

In the meantime, happy brushing, eat the right foods, and of course, don’t forget to floss! That will get you off to a great start!

This is why we love Ocean County, NJ

Posted on: November 2nd, 2022 by admin

Ever thought about living near coast of New Jersey, especially in towns like Manahawkin, Forked River and Barnegat? If you haven’t before, you sure will after reading these seven reasons why it’s AWESOME:

barnegat lighthouse1) Easy Access To Recreation

If you want recreation, there are few better places to be than the beach, especially in Southern Ocean County and Long Beach Island. Surfing, boating, fishing, swimming, sun bathing, games, music, paddle boarding, night clubs, nature preserves, food festivals, and so much more we can barely list it all. If you can’t find something to do at the shore it’s because you refuse to leave the house!

2) It’s Relaxing

Think about the sound of the surf, the smell of the water, the laid back way people go about their lives, and then think about yourself in the middle of it all right here in Ocean County. Yes, that is what living at the shore can be like – and it can be like that every single day of the year! Doesn’t matter if you live in a small bungalow or have a huge beachfront house, being near the the ocean can lift your spirits and help you do something few people can manage: relax!

3) You’ll Enjoy A Longer Life

It might sound like nonsense, but it’s true. Studies show that people who do not take annual vacations are 32 percent more likely to die of a heart attack. So what better way to extend your life then by building a perpetual vacation into your life? That’s exactly what living at the beach is like. At any moment you choose, you can flip the switch from normal life to relaxing. Take a walk to the sand, go look out over the way, enjoy some water sports, go fishing, walk your dog, go people watching – the whole area here near Long Beach Island a tremendous place to unwind!

4) Visits From Friends And Family Will Be Great

If you enjoy making people feel welcome, you’ll have an easy time if you live near the shore. People love to visit the region for a reason, and they love it even more when they are visiting good friends and family. Give them something to see and something to do, often without much effort on your part. That’s exactly what living near the shore can do!

Southern-Ocean-County5) Get In Touch With Nature

It may appear that the shore region is built up to a major degree – and in some ways, it is – but there are not only plenty of parks and open areas, even the built-up communities allow access to mother nature you can’t get in the suburbs. When was the last time you watched dolphins and whales play in your McMansion community, or walked two blocks to do some ocean fishing, or fed ducks and gulls on the bay right in your backyard?

6) Salt Water Is Good For Your Health

Yet another mark in favor of shore living, salt water is not just calming to the soul, it can actually help heal little nicks and cuts. Add in the fact that beach sand can help exfoliate your skin, helping you to feel cleaner and fresher, and you have the makings for a healthier life.

7) It’s A Great Investment

When it comes down to it, this may be the biggest reason to own property at the shore. Waterfront property is always in demand. It never goes out of style. Your investment is all but guaranteed to increase for you. Add that to all the lifestyle bonuses mentioned above, and the reasons for living at the shore should be obvious.

And naturally, once you’re here and smiling about your choice, choose us as your Ocean County dentist and we’ll keep your smile bright!