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It’s time to toss your old toothbrush!

Posts Tagged ‘ manahawkin dental office ’

It’s time to toss your old toothbrush!

Posted on: August 2nd, 2023 by admin

Take a look at your toothbrush. It is a familiar part of your daily routine, something you see early every morning (or at least we hope so) and just  before bed every night (ditto). Your toothbrush is your friend

But the fact of the matter is, that toothbrush is probably due for replacing.

If you’re like a lot of people, you probably brush your teeth a little more energetically that you need to. With time, the brush’s bristles will begin to fray, looking like a used broom or paintbrush. The bristles may even be a touch off-white now, too. Those are all sure signs that it’s time to replace your brush with a new one.

And trust us, you don’t want to use a toothbrush that is past its useful life. If you do, it just won’t do the job that it’s designed to do.

Toothbrush picture Barnegat Manahawkin Dental Office


If you brush your teeth the way we’ve taught you here at Bayside Dentistry, a dentist serving Manahawkin, Forked River, Barnegat and all of Ocean County, the signs might not be as obvious. They may not jump out at you, but small changes in your toothbrush will make it less effective in doing its job. They include:

  • Slight curve/slant to the bristles – This can happen after using it over a long stretch of time. Though it can often be barely noticeable, this can prevent the bristles from reaching around the gum line and between your teeth.
  • Loss of elasticity – Modern toothbrush bristles are made to be elastic and bendable. This is to allow the brush to provide the gentle sweeping movement necessary for the most effective brushing. As the bristles’ elasticity wears down, your brushing becomes less effective.
  • Harboring bacteria – No matter how clean you keep your brush and its holder, over time bacteria will begin to make a home there. This makes fighting plaque and germs even harder.

A good rule of thumb is to replace your toothbrush every three to four months. If you are seeing the family here at Bayside regularly, you already know that having a new, fresh toothbrush is essential to your oral health. Some things we recommend to ensure it lasts a long while include:

  • Air dry it; do not store it in a closed container. This helps prevent bacteria growth
  • Rinse your toothbrush thoroughly after each use. This keeps the bristles flexible
  • Don’t share your toothbrush with others! The reasons why should be obvious
  • Brush firmly but gently. Many people brush too hard, wearing out their brush faster
  • Replace it every 3-4 months

Doing what you can to make sure your toothbrush is well taken care of is one of the easiest things you can do to be sure you have good oral health. Doing so will guarantee that every time you brush, your teeth they are as clean as can be, your breath is fresh, and your future trips to Bayside will be as smooth as possible.

And let’s be honest, isn’t the whole reason you visit us here at Bayside in the first place to have healthy teeth? We serve Manahawkin, Lacey / Forked River, Barnegat, and all of Ocean County!

Some BIG reasons why your oral health is important

Posted on: November 9th, 2022 by admin

The health of your mouth is important – probably more important than you realize. Good habits can improve your oral health, and can also improve your overall health as well. The bottom line is simple: visiting your dentist serving Manahawkin is a big deal to your overall well being!

In fact, there is strong scientific evidence that your oral health can have a direct role in the health of your entire body. It’s true! Read the following and you’ll see how.

Your Habits When It Comes To Oral Health Can Affect Your Weight

It’s a scientifically proven fact: a good oral hygiene routine can have an impact on your weight. It’s true! You see, brushing your teeth signals your brain that you are finished eating. Try it yourself and see what happens. You will have a suppressed appetite. In other words, break out that tooth brush! The folks at your dentist office near Manahawkin will be glad about it, too.

You’ll Look Better Than Ever

If we’re honest with ourselves, we all want to look as good as we can. Your mouth is an important part of that, since your eyes and smile are the first two things people notice.  So with that in mind, good oral hygiene is not just important for your health, it helps you look and feel better than ever. A bright smile can boost your confidence, and that is priceless.

Oral Infections Often Spread

When you have gum disease it can lead to oral infections, and those infections can spread to other parts of your body. They can worsen digestive issues, spread to the heart and result in bacterial endocarditis, and more. This is why some diseases can be diagnosed by symptoms in your mouth. Some of them include heart disease, diabetes, leukemia, and kidney disease.

The Link between Gum Disease And Diabetes

Your dentist serving Manahawkin knows that people suffering from diabetes are more prone to gum disease. We also now know that the link may go in the other direction. In other words, gum disease may contribute to diabetes by impacting blood glucose control. According to the Canadian Diabetes Association, the bacteria associated with gum disease produces toxins that can increase insulin resistance and, as a result, blood glucose levels.

Bad Oral Health Can Affect Your Pregnancy

Pregnant women already know they’re eating for two. What they might not know is that bad oral health can affect their baby. Doctors have linked periodontitis to low birth weight and premature birth. Good reason to maintain a healthy mouth!

What all this means is simple: it’s a good idea to take good care of your mouth, because it can have a major impact on your overall health! Ask your dentists near Manahawkin for more information on how your healthy and oral hygiene are linked so you can learn how good habits can benefit you.

In the meantime, happy brushing, eat the right foods, and of course, don’t forget to floss! That will get you off to a great start!

How Cosmetic Dental Work Can Also Be a Makeover

Posted on: March 16th, 2022 by admin

Reinventing oneself and undergoing makeovers are more acceptable in today’s society. Before, these things are only regarded as something superficial. Through the years, there is an increased awareness about mental health. People realize that makeovers are excellent ways to cope with self-image issues, and this includes cosmetic dentistry in Manahawkin.

Take an Honest Self- assessment

Some people find their dental issues bothersome not only on a surface level. If you are looking into undergoing a smile makeover, you have to ask yourself the purpose behind it. It could be for a boost in self-confidence or it could be because of health reasons. It would be easier to go through the process if you know your motivation.

Also, you have to look back on the reasons that brought you your dental issues. Discolored teeth can result from smoking. Cracks in your teeth may be a result of a poor diet or teeth-grinding habits. A smile makeover is not only about reinventing your smile. It also involves making some lifestyle changes.

Weigh the Benefits and Inconveniences

There are many benefits to a better set of teeth. One will feel a change with their physical health. A better set of teeth could help in digesting food, having a healthier heart, or getting better sleep. Also, a better set of teeth can help you interact better with people around you. You can gain confidence every time you smile.

There are some disadvantages that you have to consider too. One of them is the cost of such procedures. You have to see if you can fund such an endeavor. Another is that it may take some time to complete some treatments. Many visits to a dental clinic in Forked River may translate to a day off work. See if your job or your schedule can accommodate these dental visits. You must also be ready for some adverse effects after the treatment. Gauge if you can tolerate some minor lifestyle changes until you reach full recovery.

Plan and Research

Did you surpass the first two steps and are still decided to have a dental makeover? Then, you can start acting on it. The foolproof way to succeed in having a dental makeover is to plan and research. Find the best dentist that you think can address your dental issues. It is someone that you would be comfortable working with. You may also consider someone who can answer all your queries.

Research on the type of cosmetic dental procedure that you need. These procedures range from the simplest which is teeth whitening. Veneers, implants, or crowns address missing or chipped teeth. You can also look into orthodontics for better alignment of your teeth. Discuss with your dentist how to go about the whole treatment plan.

Gather the Courage to Do It

Once you have discussed everything with your dentist, you must push through with it. Make sure to be present at each appointment until you complete the set of procedures. Remember to respect the process and not hasten it. Remind yourself that you are reinventing an aspect of yourself. You are not looking for a quick fix only.

Follow the special instructions of your dentist as you go along with your treatment. These extra directives may lessen some adverse effects that you might experience.

Stay Committed

One of the pitfalls of a smile makeover is when a patient fails to follow through after the treatment. A smile makeover is not a magic formula that will give you a perfect set of teeth forever. Even with these advanced treatments, the bulk of the success will come after.

Good oral hygiene is a must to maintain your new and brighter smile. You have to commit to being more vigilant on how you take care of your teeth. This includes everyday cleaning routines, avoidance of vices, and choosing healthy foods.

To help you stay committed, you may have visual reminders. Post pictures of your teeth before and after your smile makeover. This will remind you of what you have succeeded to do.

Reinventing your smile through cosmetic dental procedures in Manahawkin is an empowering choice. Enjoy the change and do not be apologetic to some people who may not understand yet this concept. Aim to educate that these procedures are not a sign of narcissism but an act of self-love.

These symptoms means it’s time to see a dentist!

Posted on: January 12th, 2022 by admin

If you’re like most people, you’ll invent a host of reasons to avoid seeing your dentist. Don’t worry, we’re not insulted. We’re used to it by now!

But the fact of the matter is, if you begin to experience one of these five conditions, you really need to see your dentist as soon as possible. It may help you avoid a lot of misery down the road!


A toothache is nothing to take lightly. The pain you’re experiencing is a sign that something is wrong. You may feel as if you can tolerate the pain or that you can “tough it out,” but letting a toothache go unaddressed is asking for trouble. Whatever the cause of your pain, your condition could worsen. In a worst case scenario, you could even end up losing the tooth. Better to address it early, when there’s a good possibility the issue can be fixed with minimal fuss.

Chronic Bad Breath

Everyone gets bad breath every now and then. It’s common and can be easily triggered by the things we eat. A normal bout of bad breath is nothing to worry about. Chronic bad breath, on the other hand, is a sign of deeper problems that must be addressed. It may be “only” as serious as gum disease, which you’ll want to catch early to begin treatment. It can also be a sign of more serious issues than that. If you suffer from chronic bad breath, it’s important to have your dentist take a look as soon as possible so serious problems can be treated early.


Cracked or Chipped Teeth

One of the most common problems any dentist in Ocean County, NJ near Forked River will deal with are cracked and chipped teeth. The good news is that modern cosmetic dentistry is effective and affordable, with many options available to you. The bad news is, left unaddressed, some issues like this become more than a cosmetic issue. Cracked teeth can cause persistent pain and can lead to serious infections that may put your other teeth in danger, too. Even if you don’t mind how they look, at the very least you should have your dentist examine them to be sure your teeth are in no danger of future issues.

Jaw Pain

Pain in the jaw can come from a number of courses, including toothaches, sinus infections, and more. If you are feeling persistent jaw pain, have it examined by your Ocean County, NJ dentist near Manahawkin to determine the source of the problem. As with anything, the key to avoiding serious issues is to catch them early.

Bleeding Gums

If you experience bleeding gums during/after brushing, there may be an issue that needs addressing. In many cases bleeding gums are merely caused by improper brushing techniques. That is easy to fix. In other cases, however, they may be a sign of gingivitis or other underlying issues. As with all such issues, catching them early gives you the best chance of avoiding more serious complications.

If you experience any of these conditions and live in Barnegat, Forked River / Lacey, Manahawkin, or other areas of Southern Ocean County, call to make an appointment today!

It’s Easy to Get Over Your Fear of the Dentist in Manahawkin!

Posted on: July 28th, 2021 by admin

A lot of you are scared of going to your dental office near Manahawkin. We understand. We’re not insulted. That is actually a common feeling that is not all that unusual to hear about.

Are you among those people who are afraid to go to the dentist? If so, you probably share one of these common reasons expressed by others who have the same fears:

  • You’re afraid of pain
  • You’re afraid of getting bad news
  • You have memories of a bad experience
  • You are afraid of being scolded for not taking care of your teeth
  • You have general anxiety

These are the most common reasons mentioned by those who are afraid of going to the dentist near Manahawkin. The good news is, though these reasons may be commonplace, they are relatively easy to overcome. Consider these facts:

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/men-s-gray-crew-neck-shirt-160914/


You’re Afraid of Pain

The fact of the matter is, these days your visit your dentist is almost certain to be pain free. Modern dental technology and the techniques they use have improved by leaps and bounds when compared to the old days. Dental office procedures these days are now easier and more painless than ever before.

You’re afraid to Get Bad News

Many people avoid going to the dentist because they don’t want to learn that they might need to get major work done. The reality of the situation, though, is that if you have taken care of your mouth in the way you should, it’s highly unlikely you’ll get the bad news you are fearing. If you DO happen to get bad news, don’t worry. You shouldn’t see it as bad. It’s the opposite! Catching a problem early when there is still a chance to fix it is great news!

You Have Memories of a Bad Experience

You might have been scared at the dentist when you were a child, but let’s be honest, kids are scared of many things they don’t need to be scared of. You’re an adult now, older, wiser, and smarter.

You’re Afraid of Being Scolded

This one is more common than you might think. People just don’t like to be told they’ve been doing something wrong or not doing it well! Just remember that if your dentist has input for you about your oral health habits, it’s for a good reason. Your dentist is there to look out for you! Also keep in mind that what they point out to you now can mean avoiding more dental treatments in the future.

You Have General Anxiety

If you have general anxiety about doctor visits, or just anxiety in general then your fear of the dentist may be a manifestation of that. Look for ways to cope that have worked best for you in other aspects of life so that when you do visit your dentist you can tell them about your anxiety and they can help you through it. Your dentist will be happy to do everything possible to make the experience more pleasant for you.

Most of all, the important thing to remember is that your dentist is there to help you lead a healthier, happier life. That’s his or her job.

So the next time you get a knot in your stomach when you have a trip to the dentist coming up, think about the above and let that knot unravel!

Don’t Be Embarrassed About These Common Dental Problems

Posted on: April 14th, 2021 by admin

Dental problems. Many of us are embarrassed by the dental problems we have, but the truth is that just about everyone has some sort of dental malady or another. It’s not unusual, and therefore is nothing to be embarrassed about – as long as you’re getting it treated by your local dentist, that is! Here are five of the most common:

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/black-chimpanzee-smiling-50582/

1) Bad Breath

If you have bad breath, you are not alone. The truth is, there is no larger oral health problem than bad breath, also called halitosis. In 4 out of 5 cases, a dental condition is to blame. This can be dry mouth, having cavities, gum disease, bacteria on your tongue and other factors.

2) Mouth Sores

If you have them, don’t worry. Lots of people do. They come in many varieties, too.  Canker sores, cold sores, fever blisters, ulcers, and more among the most common. They can be really bothersome! Thankfully, they are rarely anything more than a nuisance. They often go away after a few weeks. Once in a while one of them can point to a bigger problem. If you have a mouth sore that lasts for more than two weeks, see your Ocean County dentist!

3) Cavities

The scourge of tooth decay is one of the most common oral health problems in America, and in fact it’s one of the most common medical problems of all. Cavities hit almost as many Americans as the common cold. If you brush twice a day, however, and remember to floss, watch what you eat , and more, you’ll enjoy the best defense – which is prevention!

4) Gum Disease

Technically this is known as periodontal disease. Gum disease happens when the gums surrounding your pearly whites become infected. This usually begins with gingivitis. After a while it progresses and may lead to tooth loss. Gum disease is actually the most common reason for tooth loss among adults

5) Oral Cancer

Oral cancer doesn’t get the attention other cancers do, so you might be surprised to learn that there are 300,000 new cases of oral cancer diagnosed each year. At any time, millions of Americans may have oral cancer. As with any cancer, it can be a deadly problem if left untreated, but thankfully it’s also very treatable, especially if caught early. That’s a good reason to see your dentist regularly!

We’re sure almost everyone reading this has suffered from at least one of these at one time or another. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Just be sure to see your dentist near Manahawkin regularly so small problems don’t become big ones!

Before You Buy Toothpaste, Keep This In Mind

Posted on: October 14th, 2020 by admin

Toothpaste is one of the most important tools in your oral health arsenal!  But keep in mind that your Ocean County dentist will tell you that you have to choose the right type of toothpaste if you want your brushing to be as effective as it can be.

Wait, there can be a right and wrong kind of toothpaste? Actually, yes! You really can use the wrong type of toothpaste!

The fact is, not all toothpastes are made to work the same. They can be designed to address many different dental needs, depending on whatever the folks at your dental office serving Manahawkin tell you you should address first. An essential part of making good decisions about your oral care is knowing which toothpastes are the right choices for your family.

Experts in dentistry near Manahawkin will suggest you follow these five tips when making a choice:

1) Fluoride!

Don’t make the mistake of thinking every toothpaste contains fluoride. They don’t! Some “natural” toothpaste brands are free of fluoride. These are good for very young children under the age of six – fluoride can actually discolor teeth in young children – but once they are older, follow the recommendation of your dental office serving Manahawkin and use a toothpaste with fluoride. It’s one of the most vital ways in which brushing can help you battle cavities.


2) Whitening!

Whitening toothpastes are bigger than ever and easily available. But do you need one? They are fine options that might help slow down staining, but don’t expect dramatic results. They might be able to lighten your teeth by up to a shade, though even that would be a great result. The truth is, if you have sensitive teeth you should not use whitening toothpastes because they have chemicals that can make your teeth more sensitive.

3) Who’s Using It?

Remember that there are toothpastes made specifically for adults, and there are toothpastes made specifically for children. Always read labels carefully so you understand who the intended user is. For further advice, an a dentist in Ocean County for their input. Remember that a brand of toothpaste may not be suitable for the whole family!

4) ADA Approval!

Look for the American Dental Association seal of acceptance on your toothpaste. Any brand that is proven to be safe and effective will have that logo. It doesn’t matter the style you choose – whitening, all natural, baking soda, and others – if it doesn’t have the seal of approval by the ADA, take a pass. Your dentist near Manahawkin will give you the same advice.

5) Chronic Dental Problems?

Be sure to inform your dentist serving Manahawkin if you have chronic tooth problems that you are feeling on a regular basis. Pain, temperature sensitivity, and other chronic maladies are a sign there may be an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. You may be surprised to learn that your dentist may even be able to suggest a new type of toothpaste to help with your symptoms, such as desensitizing toothpaste.

Ready to start brushing? They get in the bathroom and do it, then visit your dental office near Manahawkin for a check up to see how well your teeth are doing.

How to Brush Your Teeth Like A Pro

Posted on: September 23rd, 2020 by admin

It might surprise you to learn this, but your Southern Ocean County dentist will verify that it’s true: a huge number of patients do not brush their teeth properly.

It’s true.  This part of our daily routine might appear as if it should be something easy and simple to do, but the truth is that even the best of us can start to pick up bad habits over the years.

And as we all know, once those bad habits are formed, they can be very hard to break.  And as dentists near Forked River, believe us, bad brushing habits can make your work to maintain good oral hygiene far less effective.

Thankfully, you’re reading this blog post. The team at Bayside, a dental office near Lacey, is about to change your brushing for he better! Here are some tips to keep in mind:


Brush twice a day, three times if you can – In the morning after you get up and in the evening just before bed are the best times to brush, as that’s when you can best target the bacteria that are running amok. Also brush after meals when you can, especially if you’ve eaten acidic foods, sweets, or food and drink that can stain your teeth.

Brush for two minutes – The basic rule of thumb is to brush for two minutes. This gives you enough time to get to all corners of your mouth, brushing away the nasty bacteria that will do damage to your teeth over time.

Don’t brush too hard; it might damage your enamel – Believe it or not, you shouldn’t be too aggressive when you are brushing. Instead, use gentle strokes as you brush. You’re looking to brush away bacteria and food waste, not scrape off your tooth enamel.

Use short strokes as you brush – When brushing, short, swift strokes are ideal. This will focus your energy on specific sections of your mouth. Using long strokes make it too easy to miss spots in your mouth, and when that happens bacteria and plaque can get a foothold in your mouth.

Don’t forget the tongue! – Your tongue is often a haven for bacteria and can be a cause for bad breath, so be sure to brush it! Brush gently, but do so thoroughly. A clean tongue not only gives you a nicer appearance, it’s good for your oral health.

One Last Tip – A good way to make sure your tooth brushing is effective is to mentally divide your mouth into four sections: bottom left, bottom right, top left, and top right. Now you’ve got specific areas to target.  Brush each section for 30 seconds.

Make this into a part of your daily routine. Do this two to three times per day, and your dentist near Forked River will probably think you’ve mastered the art of brushing – and you will have!

With good habits like these, you’ll not only save money on your dentist visits and cleanings, you’ll also live a happier, healthier life with more confidence.

It’s Time To Replace Your Old Toothbrush

Posted on: August 12th, 2020 by admin

Take a look at your toothbrush. It is a familiar part of your daily routine, something you see early every morning (or at least we hope so) and just  before bed every night (ditto). Your toothbrush is your friend

But the fact of the matter is, that toothbrush is probably due for replacing.

If you’re like a lot of people, you probably brush your teeth a little more energetically that you need to. With time, the brush’s bristles will begin to fray, looking like a used broom or paintbrush. The bristles may even be a touch off-white now, too. Those are all sure signs that it’s time to replace your brush with a new one.

And trust us, you don’t want to use a toothbrush that is past its useful life. If you do, it just won’t do the job that it’s designed to do.

Toothbrush picture Barnegat Manahawkin Dental Office


If you brush your teeth the way we’ve taught you here at Bayside Dentistry, a dentist serving Manahawkin, Forked River, Barnegat and all of Ocean County, the signs might not be as obvious. They may not jump out at you, but small changes in your toothbrush will make it less effective in doing its job. They include:

  • Slight curve/slant to the bristles – This can happen after using it over a long stretch of time. Though it can often be barely noticeable, this can prevent the bristles from reaching around the gum line and between your teeth.
  • Loss of elasticity – Modern toothbrush bristles are made to be elastic and bendable. This is to allow the brush to provide the gentle sweeping movement necessary for the most effective brushing. As the bristles’ elasticity wears down, your brushing becomes less effective.
  • Harboring bacteria – No matter how clean you keep your brush and its holder, over time bacteria will begin to make a home there. This makes fighting plaque and germs even harder.

A good rule of thumb is to replace your toothbrush every three to four months. If you are seeing the family here at Bayside regularly, you already know that having a new, fresh toothbrush is essential to your oral health. Some things we recommend to ensure it lasts a long while include:

  • Air dry it; do not store it in a closed container. This helps prevent bacteria growth
  • Rinse your toothbrush thoroughly after each use. This keeps the bristles flexible
  • Don’t share your toothbrush with others! The reasons why should be obvious
  • Brush firmly but gently. Many people brush too hard, wearing out their brush faster
  • Replace it every 3-4 months

Doing what you can to make sure your toothbrush is well taken care of is one of the easiest things you can do to be sure you have good oral health. Doing so will guarantee that every time you brush, your teeth they are as clean as can be, your breath is fresh, and your future trips to Bayside will be as smooth as possible.

And let’s be honest, isn’t the whole reason you visit us here at Bayside in the first place to have healthy teeth? We serve Manahawkin, Lacey / Forked River, Barnegat, and all of Ocean County!

What You Need to Know About Teeth Whitening

Posted on: June 9th, 2020 by admin

If it seems like you are hearing more and more about teeth whitening, you are probably right. Improvements in cosmetic dentistry have made it easier than ever to whiten and brighten your smile. You might even be thinking about a visit to your dentist so you can enjoy an affordable teeth whitening treatment.

With that in mind, here’s everything you need to know about modern teeth whitening:

How It Works

These days, tooth whitening treatments use a peroxide-based bleaching technique that assists with bleaching out staining and discoloration. Remember that the treatments will have no impact on porcelain crowns or composite tooth-colored bondings.

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-wearing-white-turtle-neck-sweater-709802/

At-Home Options

Not every dentist near Manahawkin dentist will tell you this, but it’s good information to have: there are at-home whitening treatments available, and some of them are available over the counter. The price can range from extremely low to about equal to an in-office visit. It usually takes much longer to get results, and the results are usually not as dramatic as a professional treatment.

If you are considering at-home whitening, your choices include:

  • Strips & Gels – Apply these twice a day for up to two weeks. When you use this cost-effective solution, expect modest results
  • Bleaching Trays – A tray not unlike a mouth guard is filled with gel or a solution. This tray is worn in the mouth for several hours a day. Treatment can last up to four weeks. The results can be good, but the cost is generally similar to professional treatments.
  • Whitening Toothpastes – You won’t see dramatic results from a whitening toothpaste. At best, they can brighten your teeth by about one shade. By contrast, you can get up to eight shades of brightness from professional treatments. However, one benefit is that whitening toothpastes are easy to incorporate into your life.

In-Office Treatments

A visit to your dental office near Manahawkin is going to end up giving you better whitening results than anything you can do at home, and you’ll get those results much faster. Dentists are able to use much stronger solutions than you can purchase over the counter, and the methods they use with in-office treatments can get results quicker. Some important things to know include:

  • Stronger – In-office whitening treatments can be up to 10 times more effective than over the counter treatments!
  • Faster – At-home whitening usually takes anywhere from two to four weeks and may result in a few shades of whiteness. In-office treatments usually take less than an hour per session, and only a few sessions are needed for up to eight shades of improvement.
  • Better Results – As mentioned, at most at-home treatments can increase your tooth whiteness by a few shades. In-office treatments can get you up to eight shades of improvement.

When you sum it all up, you have many treatment options available to you from your Southern Ocean County dentist. Before deciding on one, it’s a good idea to consult with your dentist to be sure the treatment is right for you. Not all mouths are made the same, after all!