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Beware these drinks: They will stain your teeth!

Archive for June, 2024

Beware these drinks: They will stain your teeth!

Posted on: June 26th, 2024 by admin

We know you want whiter teeth. We all do. The confidence that comes with having a nice smile is hard to overestimate.

Modern teeth whitening treatments can help you get the nice, white teeth you’ve always wanted, but if you hope to keep that bright smile you should avoid eating or drinking too much of this:

  • Coffee – We know this is bad news fore many of you! As much as many of us don’t like to hear it, coffee is one of the worst culprits when it comes to staining your teeth. It may be the morning go-to for half of America, but it’s also one of the worst things for our bright smiles.
  • Cola – This is something we all learned as kids: all the sugar in soda will rot your teeth. What they didn’t tell us is that cola can stain your teeth, too. The sugar, dye, coloring and other ingredients of cola means you’ll be seeking need teeth whitening if you are a regular soda drinker and you want to maintain a bright smile.
  • Red Wine – Red wine has some health benefits when enjoyed in moderation, but it can also wreak havoc with your teeth. It’s no surprise that so many red wine fans end up seeking teeth whitening treatments. Years of the good stuff can be a fun part of your social life, but a bad part of your dental life.
  • Tea – Sorry, caffeine lovers, switching from coffee to tea does not change things in this regard. In fact, tea can be even more abrasive on your teeth than coffee. High in tannins and rather acidic, too much tea in your diet can be bad news for your teeth. The good news is, black tea is the primary culprit. Switching to green, white and herbal teas can help.
  • Tomato Sauce – Sorry, everyone, we love tomato sauce too, but that traditional red sauce has qualities that can contribute to stained teeth. The acidic nature of tomatoes along with with their deep red color means if you want a whiter smile, you may want to see your dentist in Southern Ocean County after long years of eating Italian food.
  • Blueberries – Blueberries are a part of a healthy diet. High in antioxidants, they’re some of the very best fruit to eat – except when it comes to your teeth. Blueberries are high in tooth-staining colors, which is why they have historically been used in dyes. Blackberries, raspberries and other dark berries have similar qualities, though blueberries are more potent than all of them. They’re good for you, so keep eating, just be sure to brush when you’re done!

All of this may seem like bad news, but it’s not. Most of the above food and drinks have good health qualities (though you should skip the cola!), and their staining effects can be reversed by modern teeth whitening treatments. Remember, consume them in moderation, practice good oral hygiene, and you can have a great smile your whole life long.

Understanding Tooth Enamel: Why It Matters and How to Protect It

Posted on: June 19th, 2024 by admin

Tooth enamel is the hard, protective outer layer of our teeth that helps to keep them strong and healthy. It’s the strongest substance in the human body, even stronger than our bones, and plays a crucial role in protecting our teeth from damage and decay. Despite its importance, many people don’t know much about tooth enamel or how to take care of it properly. In this article, we’ll use our expertise in cosmetic dentistry and dive into the world of tooth enamel, exploring exactly what it is, why it matters, and how you can keep it strong and healthy.

What is tooth enamel?

Tooth enamel is a thin, hard layer that covers the outer surface of our teeth. It’s made up of mainly calcium and phosphate, which combine to form hydroxyapatite crystals. These crystals are arranged in a highly organized pattern, giving enamel its strength and durability. While tooth enamel is incredibly strong, it can still be damaged by acid erosion or physical trauma, both of which can lead to decay and sensitivity.

Why is tooth enamel important?

Tooth enamel’s main job is to protect the softer, underlying layers of our teeth from damage and decay. It also helps to insulate our teeth from temperature changes and provides a smooth, shiny appearance to our smiles. When tooth enamel is compromised, whether through erosion or damage, it can lead to serious dental problems like cavities, sensitivity, and even tooth loss.

How can you protect your tooth enamel?

There are several key things you can do to help protect your tooth enamel and keep it strong and healthy. First, be mindful of what you eat and drink, particularly acidic foods like citrus fruits or sugary drinks like soda. Try to limit your exposure to these things, or if you do indulge, rinse your mouth out with water afterwards. Additionally, make sure to brush your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste to help strengthen your enamel. Finally, visit your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings, as they can help detect early signs of enamel erosion or damage.

What are some common signs of tooth enamel damage?

Tooth enamel can be damaged in a variety of ways, but some common signs to be aware of include increased sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures, visible indentations or chips in your teeth, and a yellowish tint to your teeth. If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to speak with your dentist right away to prevent further damage.

Tooth enamel may seem like a small part of our overall oral health, but it plays a crucial role in protecting our teeth and keeping them strong. By understanding what tooth enamel is, why it’s important, and how to take care of it properly, you can help keep your smile looking and feeling great for years to come. Remember to eat a healthy diet, brush and floss regularly, and visit your local dentist regularly to keep your tooth enamel in top condition. With a little bit of effort and attention, you can ensure that your tooth enamel stays strong and healthy for a lifetime.

5 Common Causes of Bad Breath (and what to do about it)

Posted on: June 12th, 2024 by admin

Struggling with bad breath? If so, you are not alone. Every local dentist knows this is a common issue people face. Bad breath (or “halitosis”) is a common problem that affects millions of people around the world. Fortunately, there are several potential causes of bad breath and specific solutions for each one. In this article, we explore the five most common causes of bad breath and how to eliminate them for good!

  1. Poor Oral Hygiene: Poor oral hygiene is one of the most common causes of bad breath. This includes not brushing or flossing regularly, failing to scrape your tongue with a tongue scraper, and not using mouthwash regularly. To eliminate bad breath caused by poor oral hygiene, be sure to brush and floss twice daily, scrape your tongue once a day, and use an alcohol-free mouthwash at least once a day.

  2. Dry Mouth: Saliva is essential for keeping bacteria levels in your mouth low; when saliva production decreases due to dehydration or certain medications, this can cause an increase in bad breath. To overcome dry mouth, make sure you are properly hydrated throughout the day and consider using an artificial saliva product if needed.
  3. Food: Some foods, such as garlic and onions, can cause bad breath due to their strong scents. To eliminate bad breath caused by food, brush your teeth or chew sugar-free gum after eating these smelly foods. Additionally, avoid smoking cigarettes and consuming alcohol as these two habits can contribute to bad breath.
  4. Sinus Issues: Nasal and sinus issues can cause a buildup of mucus in the back of your throat, which can lead to bad breath. To eliminate bad breath caused by sinus issues, use saline nasal sprays or steam treatments to flush out the excess mucus and keep your nose and sinuses clear.
  5. Medical Conditions: Bad breath can also be a sign of underlying medical conditions, such as diabetes or kidney and liver diseases. If you have persistent bad breath that won’t go away despite brushing and flossing regularly, visit your doctor to rule out any serious health issues.


By following these tips, you can eliminate bad breath for good and enjoy fresh-smelling breath all day long! Don’t believe us? See what our patients have said about us!

How to Take Care of Your Dental Braces: Tips and Advice

Posted on: June 5th, 2024 by admin

Dental braces are a treatment option that helps to correct misaligned teeth, improve oral health, and enhance your smile. However, it’s crucial to take proper care of your braces to avoid complications that could potentially disrupt the treatment process. If you’re considering braces or already have them, you are in the right place. In this article, we’ll delve into the ins and outs of dental braces, discussing how to take care of them, what to expect during the treatment, and much more, all with advice from your favorite dentist near Manahawkin.

What are Dental Braces?

Dental braces are devices used to correct misalignments, irregular bites, and other dental problems. Braces work by applying pressure on the teeth to move them into their correct position gradually. The pressure is maintained by wires, brackets, and rubber bands connected to the teeth. Braces come in a variety of types, such as metal, ceramic, and lingual braces (which are placed on the inside of the teeth and are less visible).

Why is it necessary to take care of dental braces?

To ensure that dental braces work effectively, it’s crucial to take proper care of them. A lack of adequate care may increase the risk of complications such as tooth decay, gum disease, or even loosening of the brackets. You may also experience discomfort, pain, or soreness in the mouth. Therefore, proper care is necessary to keep your braces secure, reduce discomfort, and achieve the best results.

How to take care of dental braces

  • Brushing: Brushing your teeth is an essential part of dental care, but when you have braces, it becomes even more crucial. Brushing helps to remove the plaque and food particles that can easily get trapped in the brackets and wires of the braces. You should brush your teeth after every meal or at least twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Don’t forget to brush your braces, as well as your gums and tongue.
  • Flossing: Flossing is another critical element of dental care. Flossing helps to remove food debris and plaque that brushing alone cannot reach. When you have braces, flossing can be challenging, but there are tools that can help with that, such as floss threaders and interdental brushes.
  • Avoid Hard Foods: Hard and crunchy foods such as popcorn, nuts, and hard candy can damage your braces, bend the wires or even dislodge the brackets. So, it’s best to avoid them altogether.

Dental braces are an excellent treatment option that helps to correct dental problems and enhance one’s smile. However, taking proper care of them is crucial to ensure the treatment’s success and avoid any complications. By following the tips we’ve outlined above, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your desired results. Remember to brush and floss regularly, avoid hard foods, and attend your scheduled appointments with your local dentist. Good luck on your journey to a beautiful and healthy smile!