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What to expect from a root canal

Posts Tagged ‘ oral health ’

What to expect from a root canal

Posted on: July 24th, 2024 by admin

Are you dreading your upcoming appointment for a root canal? It’s understandable to feel anxious about what might happen during the procedure. However, knowledge is power, and understanding all aspects of a root canal can help ease your worries. In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of the root canal process so you know exactly what to expect when you visit your favorite dentist near Forked River.

The root canal procedure starts with local anesthesia. This numbs the area around the tooth so that you won’t feel any discomfort during the procedure. The dentist will then create an opening in the top of your tooth to access the nerve chamber and pulp inside.

Once inside, they’ll use dental instruments to remove the infected or damaged tissue from within the tooth. The area will then be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to prevent any further infection.

Once the cleaning is complete, the dentist will fill the nerve chamber with a rubbery material called gutta percha. This seals off the inner parts of your tooth from bacteria and other debris. The dentist may also place a crown on top of your tooth for added protection.

The entire procedure typically takes between one and two hours to complete, depending on the complexity of your case. You may experience some mild discomfort after the procedure, but this should fade within a few days.

With proper care and regular dental check-ups, a root canal can provide relief from tooth pain for many years. If you have any questions or concerns about the root canal procedure, it’s best to ask your dentist before beginning treatment.

Here are some FAQ you may have:

How long does a root canal take?

A typical root canal procedure generally takes 1-2 hours to complete.

Is a root canal painful?

Most patients find that the anesthesia used during the procedure makes it painless. You may experience some mild discomfort after the procedure, but this should fade within a few days.

Can a root canal be reversed?

No, the procedure is considered permanent and cannot be reversed. However, if you experience any problems with your root canal later on, your dentist can often address the issue.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re struggling with some fear of the procedure. If you have a friend or family member who is willing, ask them to come with you to your appointment. Having someone there to support you can make a world of difference. You can also ask us to ease you through the process, too. We aim to make your visit to your favorite dentist near Manahawkin as smooth as possible!

If you follow these tips, you will be on your way to conquering your fear of the dentist in no time! Schedule an appointment today and see for yourself how easy it can be.

The Importance of Healthy Gums: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Your Oral Health

Posted on: July 17th, 2024 by admin

It’s no secret that good oral hygiene plays a significant role in maintaining overall health, yet, gum health often goes overlooked. The gums are a vital part of our mouths that not only keep our teeth in place but also protect them from harmful bacteria. However, poor gum health can lead to gingivitis, gum disease, and even tooth loss. In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of healthy gums, common oral health problems related to gum health, and how to take good care of your gums.

First and foremost, let’s talk about the role your gums play in your oral health. The gums act as a barrier that protects the roots of your teeth, as well as the supporting bones. This means that when gums start to recede, it exposes the sensitive nerve endings to hot and cold temperatures, making them more prone to sensitivity and pain. In addition, gum recession can create pockets where bacteria can thrive, leading to gum disease, which has been linked to various heart conditions and diabetes.

Speaking of gum disease, it’s a prevalent oral health problem that affects more than half of Americans over the age of 30. The early stages of gum disease, called gingivitis, often presents itself as bleeding, swollen, or sensitive gums and can be reversed with proper care. However, if left untreated, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis, where the bacteria begins to attack the bone that holds the teeth in place, leading to tooth loss.

So what can you do to take good care of your gums and prevent these issues? Start with proper oral hygiene, which includes brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and regular dental check-ups and cleanings. In addition, eating a balanced diet, reducing stress, and quitting smoking can also play a crucial role in maintaining healthy gums.

While anyone can develop gum issues, some factors increase the risk. For instance, aging plays a role in the gum’s health because as we get older, our gums become more fragile and susceptible to wear and tear. Additionally, certain medications, genetics, and hormonal changes can be contributing factors.

Your gums play a vital role in your oral health, and maintaining their health is essential for having a healthy and happy smile. Keep in mind that proper oral hygiene, regular dental check-ups, and adopting a healthy lifestyle can all help prevent gum-related issues. Don’t neglect your gums, as they are the unsung heroes of your oral health. By taking good care of them, you can maintain healthy teeth and gums that will serve you for a lifetime.

The Importance of Oral Health for Senior Citizens

Posted on: March 20th, 2024 by admin

The Importance of Oral Health for Senior Citizens

Oral health is an essential aspect of overall health, especially for senior citizens near Barnegat. It is common for older adults to experience various dental problems, such as gum diseases, tooth decay, and oral cancer. Poor oral health can lead to various complications such as heart disease, stroke, pneumonia, and diabetes. To maintain good oral health, it is important for seniors to practice proper oral hygiene and visit their dentist regularly. In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of good oral health, the complications that can occur from poor oral health, and how to take better care of your oral health as you age.

The benefits of good oral health for senior citizens are enormous. Firstly, it helps in maintaining a healthy body weight. Seniors with a healthy mouth can eat nutritious foods, which are essential for maintaining a healthy body. Secondly, good oral health can improve cognitive function. Studies have shown that seniors with poor oral health are more likely to suffer from memory loss and cognitive decline. Thirdly, seniors with healthy teeth and gums can enjoy a better quality of life. They can chew food properly, smile confidently, and speak clearly. All of these factors contribute to an overall sense of well-being.

On the other hand, the complications that can arise from poor oral health are severe. Seniors with poor oral hygiene are more likely to develop gum diseases, tooth decay, and oral cancer. Gum diseases, if left untreated, can cause tooth loss and even bone loss. Oral cancer is a life-threatening disease that can spread elsewhere in the body if not detected early enough. Poor oral health can also lead to heart disease, stroke, pneumonia, and diabetes. This is because the bacteria that causes gum disease can travel through the bloodstream, affecting other parts of the body.

To take better care of your oral health as you age, you should do the following. Firstly, brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Secondly, floss your teeth daily to remove plaque and food particles that can cause gum disease and tooth decay. Thirdly, drink water with fluoride. This helps to strengthen your teeth and prevent tooth decay. Fourthly, quit smoking if you smoke. Smoking is one of the leading causes of oral cancer. Lastly, visit your dentist regularly. Your dentist can detect oral health problems early on and provide the necessary treatment.

In conclusion, maintaining good oral health is essential for senior citizens in Ocean County. It can improve their overall health and quality of life. Proper oral hygiene practices such as brushing, flossing, and visiting the dentist regularly can prevent and detect oral health problems. Complications from poor oral health can cause various health problems such as heart disease, stroke, pneumonia, and diabetes. Therefore, seniors should take good care of their oral health and seek professional help whenever necessary.

These 5 oral health problems are more common than you think

Posted on: January 17th, 2024 by admin

We all have mouths – life would be hard without one – and we all need to take care of them. The thing about oral health is that it’s a diverse area. Some dental problems are minor and some can be simply devastating. What sort of problems? Read along as we count down the five most common dental problems in America and to see just what is making people (and their teeth) suffer out there:

lion-teeth-pexels-photo-684215) Mouth Sores

There are many different types of mouth sores. Among the most common are canker sores, fever blisters, cold sores and ulcers. All of them can be terribly bothersome. The good news is, most mouth sores are never much more than a nuisance. They go away after a few weeks at most. Once in a while one can point to a bigger problem, so if a mouth sore lasts for more than two weeks be sure to see your dentist near Manahawkin. However, in most cases these are pretty low on the priority list of oral health problems to be concerned about.

4) Oral Cancer

Many other types of cancer get a lot more spotlight, but the truth is, some 300,000 new cases of oral cancer are diagnosed each year. In fact, at any given time millions are affected by it. Like all types of cancer, it can be deadly if left untreated. It can also lead to severe damage to the mouth, lips and throat. The good news is that oral cancer is highly treatable if caught early – and the best way to catch it early is with regular visits to your dentist.

3) Gum Disease

Also known as periodontal disease, gum disease is when your gums become infected. This can start with simple gingivitis, but when gum disease progresses it can lead to tooth loss. In fact, gum disease is cited as the biggest cause of tooth loss among adults in America. The best way to combat this malady is by following the daily oral health routine suggested by your dentist near Manahawkin.

2) Cavities

Cavities, also known as tooth decay, is not just one of the most common oral health problems in the country, it’s actually one of the most common health problems overall, affecting about as many people as the common cold. Brushing twice a day, flossing, and watching what you eat are your best defenses against this common problem. Tooth decay is caused when plaque buildup and sugars combine to eat away at your tooth enamel and the teeth themselves. This is a problem where prevention is the best approach, because once it progresses too far there is no reversing it. It will take major dentistry to fix the issue.

1) Bad Breath

There is no oral health problem more common than bad breath, also known as halitosis. Bad breath can be caused by many things, but in the majority of cases – more than 4 out of 5 cases, in fact – a simple dental condition is to blame. They can include dry mouth, cavities, gum disease, bacteria on the tongue and others. All of these can all be causes of bad breath. If you have persistent bad breath, you should visit your dental office, because mouth wash only covers the problem, it doesn’t cure it.

Discovering the Truth about your Tongue: A Guide to Keeping it Clean and Healthy

Posted on: January 11th, 2024 by admin

Your tongue is a vital organ that plays numerous roles in your body such as tasting, speaking, and swallowing. It’s a muscle with an intricate network of nerves, blood vessels, and taste buds that work together to ensure that you enjoy all the different flavors of your favorite foods. Furthermore, your tongue is also a great indicator of your overall health, as certain conditions often manifest with symptoms on your tongue. Let’s take a closer look at the different ailments that can affect your tongue and the best practices to keep it clean and healthy for optimal well-being.

1. Common Ailments of the Tongue

Your tongue can develop numerous ailments that reflect underlying medical conditions or oral hygiene issues. One of the more common conditions that affect the tongue is thrush, which is a fungal infection that causes painful and white sores on your tongue. Another common ailment is geographic tongue, which results in a map-like appearance on the surface of your tongue. Tongue sores may also be indicative of oral cancer or vitamin deficiencies. It is, therefore, crucial to seek professional advice if you experience persistent tongue sores, lesions, or any other irregularities.

2. How to Keep Your Tongue Clean and Healthy

Keeping your tongue clean and healthy should be part of your daily oral hygiene routine. You can start with regular brushing of your tongue using a soft-bristled brush or a tongue scraper. This practice helps to remove food particles, bacteria, dead cells, and fungi that accumulate on your tongue. You can also rinse your mouth with a mouthwash containing antiseptic agents that kill bacteria and freshen your breath. Drinking plenty of water helps to eliminate bacteria and toxins from your mouth and keep your tongue well hydrated.

3. The Importance of Diet in Tongue Health

Your diet plays a vital role in maintaining the health of your tongue. Consuming a balanced diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals can help to boost immunity and prevent the development of tongue problems. Include plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein sources like fish and chicken in your diet. Avoid consuming excess sugary or acidic foods and beverages, which can erode tooth enamel and cause painful tongue sores.

4. Knowing When to See a Doctor for Tongue Issues

While cleaning your tongue regularly is an essential part of maintaining good oral hygiene, it is crucial to seek professional advice if you experience any tongue problems. Common signs that you need to see a doctor include persistent tongue pain, swelling, sores, ulcers, or any other unusual changes in your tongue’s appearance. In some cases, your tongue issues may be a sign of an underlying medical condition that requires prompt intervention.

5. The Connection Between Oral Hygiene and Overall Health

Good oral hygiene practices like cleaning your tongue regularly can help prevent detrimental impacts on your overall health. Research has shown that poor oral hygiene can lead to numerous medical conditions like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and respiratory infections. When you keep your tongue clean and healthy, you reduce your risk of bacteria accumulation in your mouth, which is one of the leading causes of these medical conditions.

Your tongue is an essential organ that plays a vital role in your overall health and well-being. Keeping it clean and healthy is easy, and it should be part of your daily oral hygiene routine. Ensure that you brush or scrape your tongue daily, consume a balanced diet, drink plenty of water, and seek professional advice from your Ocean County dentist if you experience any problems with your tongue. Maintaining good oral hygiene is critical to reducing the risk of oral diseases and promoting better overall health.

Don’t Let Mouth Sores Bother You: A Comprehensive Guide

Posted on: December 13th, 2023 by admin

Mouth sores are common and can be bothersome and painful. They can affect anyone, from children to older people. But, what exactly are they, and what causes them? What should you do if you develop one, and how can you prevent them from happening in the future? Let’s take a closer look at the various types of mouth sores, their symptoms, causes, treatments, and prevention methods.

There are several types of mouth sores, but the most common ones include canker sores, cold sores, and fever blisters. Canker sores are small, white or yellowish, round or oval-shaped sores that occur inside the mouth, while cold sores and fever blisters are groups of tiny, fluid-filled blisters that typically appear on or around the lips, chin, or cheeks. They are caused by different things, though.

Canker sores are often linked to stress, injury to the mouth, certain foods like spicy or acidic foods, and even hormonal changes. On the other hand, cold sores and fever blisters are caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) and are highly contagious. They can spread through kissing, sharing utensils, or coming in contact with the fluid in the blisters.

The good news is that most mouth sores go away on their own within a couple of weeks, but there are ways to alleviate the pain and speed up the healing process. For instance, using over-the-counter pain relievers, applying numbing gels, gargling with saltwater, and avoiding spicy or acidic foods can help. For cold sores and fever blisters, antiviral medication is recommended.

Prevention is key when it comes to mouth sores. There are several things you can do to reduce your risk of developing them in the first place. This includes avoiding hot, spicy, or acidic foods, brushing and flossing your teeth regularly, replacing your toothbrush every three to four months, wearing a mouthguard if you play sports, and avoiding triggers that may lead to stress or anxiety.

Another important element of preventive care is maintaining good oral hygiene. This includes brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing daily, and visiting your dentist regularly. Your dentist can also diagnose and treat any underlying oral health problems that may contribute to the development of mouth sores. This can include gum disease, tooth decay, or oral infections.

Mouth sores can be painful and uncomfortable, but they are usually not serious and can be treated or prevented with the right care. Knowing the different types of mouth sores, their causes, symptoms, treatments, and prevention methods can help you stay one step ahead and avoid unnecessary pain or discomfort. If you notice any unusual changes in your mouth, or if your mouth sore persists for more than two weeks, it’s important to see your local dentist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Your oral health is more important than you realize. Here’s why

Posted on: November 15th, 2023 by admin

The health of your mouth is important – probably more important than you realize. Good habits can improve your oral health, and can also improve your overall health as well. The bottom line is simple: visiting your dentist serving Manahawkin is a big deal to your overall well being!

In fact, there is strong scientific evidence that your oral health can have a direct role in the health of your entire body. It’s true! Read the following and you’ll see how.

Your Habits When It Comes To Oral Health Can Affect Your Weight

It’s a scientifically proven fact: a good oral hygiene routine can have an impact on your weight. It’s true! You see, brushing your teeth signals your brain that you are finished eating. Try it yourself and see what happens. You will have a suppressed appetite. In other words, break out that tooth brush! The folks at your dentist office near Manahawkin will be glad about it, too.

You’ll Look Better Than Ever

If we’re honest with ourselves, we all want to look as good as we can. Your mouth is an important part of that, since your eyes and smile are the first two things people notice.  So with that in mind, good oral hygiene is not just important for your health, it helps you look and feel better than ever. A bright smile can boost your confidence, and that is priceless.

Oral Infections Often Spread

When you have gum disease it can lead to oral infections, and those infections can spread to other parts of your body. They can worsen digestive issues, spread to the heart and result in bacterial endocarditis, and more. This is why some diseases can be diagnosed by symptoms in your mouth. Some of them include heart disease, diabetes, leukemia, and kidney disease.

The Link between Gum Disease And Diabetes

Your dentist serving Manahawkin knows that people suffering from diabetes are more prone to gum disease. We also now know that the link may go in the other direction. In other words, gum disease may contribute to diabetes by impacting blood glucose control. According to the Canadian Diabetes Association, the bacteria associated with gum disease produces toxins that can increase insulin resistance and, as a result, blood glucose levels.

Bad Oral Health Can Affect Your Pregnancy

Pregnant women already know they’re eating for two. What they might not know is that bad oral health can affect their baby. Doctors have linked periodontitis to low birth weight and premature birth. Good reason to maintain a healthy mouth!

What all this means is simple: it’s a good idea to take good care of your mouth, because it can have a major impact on your overall health! Ask your dentists near Manahawkin for more information on how your healthy and oral hygiene are linked so you can learn how good habits can benefit you.

In the meantime, happy brushing, eat the right foods, and of course, don’t forget to floss! That will get you off to a great start!

Five Common Causes of Bad Breath (and What You Can Do About Them)

Posted on: September 6th, 2023 by admin

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be an embarrassing and uncomfortable problem that affects millions of people worldwide. It can lead to social isolation, low self-esteem, and even job loss. Fortunately, bad breath is usually caused by something that is easily treatable. In this article, we’ll discuss the five most common causes of bad breath and what you can do to get rid of it. Get ready for good advice from your favorite dentist in Barnegat!

1. Poor Oral Hygiene

Poor oral hygiene is one of the most common causes of bad breath. When you don’t brush and floss regularly, food particles can remain in your mouth and get trapped between your teeth. Bacteria will then start to break down these food particles and release an unpleasant odor. To prevent bad breath caused by poor oral hygiene, make sure to brush your teeth twice a day, floss at least once a day, and use mouthwash regularly.

2. Dry Mouth

Dry mouth or xerostomia is another common cause of bad breath. It occurs when there isn’t enough saliva in the mouth to wash away food particles and bacteria. Saliva is essential because it helps to neutralize acids and prevents plaque buildup. A dry mouth can be caused by certain medications, dehydration, or certain medical conditions. To tackle this issue, you can stay hydrated, chew gum or suck on candy that contains xylitol, or use an artificial saliva substitute.

3. Gum Disease

Gum disease or periodontal disease is a bacterial infection that affects the gums and the supporting structures of the teeth. Symptoms of gum disease include bad breath, bleeding gums, and gum recession. If left untreated, gum disease can lead to tooth loss. The best way to prevent gum disease is to practice good oral hygiene, go for regular dental checkups, and quit smoking.

4. Sinus and Respiratory Infections

Bad breath can also be caused by sinus and respiratory infections, such as postnasal drip or tonsillitis. Infections in these areas can lead to mucus build-up and bacterial growth that cause bad breath. To treat bad breath caused by these infections, you need to treat the underlying infection. This can be done by taking antibiotics or using nasal sprays, or with a visit to your dentist near Forked River.

5. Diet

Your diet can also play a role in causing bad breath. Foods that have strong odors such as garlic, onions, and curry can leave a lingering smell in your mouth even after brushing. Moreover, diets high in sugar and starch contribute to the growth of harmful bacteria and cause bad breath. To prevent bad breath caused by diet, it’s essential to eat a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, avoid sugary and starchy foods, and brush and floss regularly.


Bad breath can be a frustrating problem to have, but there are several things you can do to get rid of it. Simple lifestyle changes such as improving your oral hygiene, staying hydrated, and eating a balanced diet can make all the difference. If bad breath persists despite your efforts, it’s important to see a dentist near Forked River to identify any underlying medical conditions. By following these tips, you can maintain optimal oral health and keep bad breath at bay.

A Comprehensive Guide to Caring for Your Teeth and Gums

Posted on: August 30th, 2023 by admin

Taking care of your teeth and gums is a critical part of maintaining healthy overall wellbeing. Without good dental hygiene, you can be vulnerable to a range of issues including cavities, tooth decay, gum disease and more. This comprehensive guide will explain the various parts of your teeth and gums, how they work together, common problems that arise and how to best practice good oral health. With just a few simple steps you can ensure your teeth and gums stay strong and healthy for years to come – start tending to your oral health today with this guide!

Your teeth and gums are comprised of very important structures that protect your mouth from infection and decay. The first line of defense for the body is the outer layer of enamel on your teeth, which makes up the strong protective shell around each tooth. In addition to this, your gums contain connective tissue that helps to hold your teeth in place and creates a barrier against infections. Each of these structures are incredibly important, and it is critical that they remain in good health to ensure your overall wellbeing.

Daily dental hygiene is an essential part of maintaining healthy teeth and gums. You should brush your teeth at least twice each day with fluoride toothpaste for two minutes, focusing on the back molars which tend to be more prone to plaque buildup. Flossing is also important as it helps remove debris, bacteria and plaque from between the teeth and along the gum line. Using a tongue scraper or mouthwash can further help keep your mouth clean by reducing bacteria growth.

In addition to daily dental hygiene, regular checkups with your dentist are necessary in order to address any problems that may arise. Your dentist can check for cavities and gum disease, as well as provide guidance on how to best practice good oral health. They may also recommend certain treatments such as fillings, root canals or crowns to address any issues that have already occurred.

Ultimately, taking care of your teeth and gums is an important part of overall health and wellbeing. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your mouth remains healthy and strong for years to come.

Finally, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • – Brush and floss your teeth every day.
  • – Use a tongue scraper or mouthwash to reduce bacteria growth in the mouth.
  • – Visit your dentist on a regular basis for checkups and any necessary treatments.
  • – Avoid smoking, as it can damage gum tissue and increase your risk of developing oral cancer.
  • – Eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.


By following these tips, you can ensure that your mouth remains healthy and strong for years to come.

Bad Breath Be Gone: The 5 Most Common Causes and Solutions

Posted on: June 14th, 2023 by admin

Struggling with bad breath? If so, you are not alone. Bad breath (or “halitosis”) is a common problem that affects millions of people around the world. Fortunately, there are several potential causes of bad breath and specific solutions for each one. In this article, we explore the five most common causes of bad breath and how to eliminate them for good!

  1. Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/selective-focus-photo-of-brown-monkey-2213575/

    Poor Oral Hygiene: Poor oral hygiene is one of the most common causes of bad breath. This includes not brushing or flossing regularly, failing to scrape your tongue with a tongue scraper, and not using mouthwash regularly. To eliminate bad breath caused by poor oral hygiene, be sure to brush and floss twice daily, scrape your tongue once a day, and use an alcohol-free mouthwash at least once a day.

  2. Dry Mouth: Saliva is essential for keeping bacteria levels in your mouth low; when saliva production decreases due to dehydration or certain medications, this can cause an increase in bad breath. To overcome dry mouth, make sure you are properly hydrated throughout the day and consider using an artificial saliva product if needed.
  3. Food: Some foods, such as garlic and onions, can cause bad breath due to their strong scents. To eliminate bad breath caused by food, brush your teeth or chew sugar-free gum after eating these smelly foods. Additionally, avoid smoking cigarettes and consuming alcohol as these two habits can contribute to bad breath.
  4. Sinus Issues: Nasal and sinus issues can cause a buildup of mucus in the back of your throat, which can lead to bad breath. To eliminate bad breath caused by sinus issues, use saline nasal sprays or steam treatments to flush out the excess mucus and keep your nose and sinuses clear.
  5. Medical Conditions: Bad breath can also be a sign of underlying medical conditions, such as diabetes or kidney and liver diseases. If you have persistent bad breath that won’t go away despite brushing and flossing regularly, visit your doctor to rule out any serious health issues.


By following these tips, you can eliminate bad breath for good and enjoy fresh-smelling breath all day long!