Fear of the dentist is such a common fear it’s practically a movie cliché at this point. It has featured in sitcoms (Seinfeld’s hilarious dentist, Tim Whatley was played by Breaking Bad’s Bryan Cranston, and he was a very scary dentist) and in movies. There have been entire books written on the subject, and the reason is simple: It’s a fear that many people share.
Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be that way. It’s very possible to overcome your fear of visiting the dentist near Manahawkin – and that’s a good thing, because overcoming that fear will let you get the care you need in order to maintain good oral health!

Here’s how to get over your fear of the dentist:
Understand That Your Fears Are Normal
– You’re not alone in being frightened of going to the dentist. Peter Milgrom, the director of the Dental Fears Research Clinic at the University of Washington, claims that upwards of 20 percent of U.S. citizens only go to the dentist when it is absolutely necessary to go. They avoid visits at other times due to fear. Up to 8 percent of people don’t go at ALL, with their decision also based in fear. When you understand that it’s normal to feel this way, it will be a good first step towards overcoming those fears.
Get To Know Your Dentist As A Human Being
– When you visit a dentist near Manahawkin, be sure you try to see them as a person, not as a clinical medical person in scrubs. Chat with them and get to know them. When you recognize that they are someone just like you, with interesting hobbies and families, you will help ease your anxiety.
Book A Few Low-Pressure Appointments –
Going to the dentist for a simple check-up is a great, low-stress way to get yourself comfortable with dental office visits. Even if you know you’re going to need dental work done, that doesn’t mean you have to get it done right away. Have a low key visit to your Ocean County dental office, get comfortable, , and relax. That will make future visits MUCH easier.
Ask Your Dentist To Educate You
– A good Ocean County dentist will talk to you before, during and after your appointment. Use this time to ease your fears. Have them tell you exactly what they are doing and how they’re doing it, and have them clarify why they’re doing it, too. Keep in mind, knowledge is power. When you have a better understanding of the process, you will then be more comfortable with it.
Bring A Stress Reliever
– Stress relief items like smooshy rubber balls can be helpful, so feel free to bring one with you. Your Barnegat dentist will understand! A major part of their job is to help make you comfortable. They want you to be at ease, so if it will help, bring it!
Bring A Friend With You
– Few things help us face our fears as the buddy system. If you are going in for a dental procedure that makes you a little nervous, ask a friend to come along on your appointment. They can give you the moral support that you’ll need to help get you get through your visit!
Trust us, your dentist wants you to be as relaxed as you can be, so follow this advice to ease your stress levels. Before you know it your dentist visits will feel routine!
Tags: dental office, fear, fear of dentist, jersey shore dentist, ocean count dentist, phobia