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25 Incredible Trivia Facts About Teeth!

Posts Tagged ‘ dentistry ’

25 Incredible Trivia Facts About Teeth!

Posted on: November 21st, 2018 by admin No Comments

Dentists see teeth every day. They work with them every day. They know them inside and out.   Despite all this up close and personal experience, teeth never cease to amaze the people in your Ocean County dental office. We bet you’ll be amazed as well when you read some of these amazing facts about your pearly white teeth:

  1. Babies only have about 20 teeth. Once you grow into an adult, you get your full set of 32 teeth.
  2. Surveys suggest that 50% of folks say that a person’s smile is the first thing they notice.
  3. The hardest part of your body is in your mouth – your tooth enamel!
  4. The amount of saliva you produce over the course of your lifetime is enough to fill two entire swimming pools!
  5. Mosquitoes may seem to “bite,” and in fact they do have teeth! They have about 47 in all.
  6. You can extend the life of a tooth that gets knocked out by putting it in milk or placing it temporarily in your mouth. Keep that in mind if you have to take an emergency trip to your Ocean County dentist!
  7. When you skip flossing, you fail to clean up to 35% of your tooth surface area.
  8. Humans beings will get two sets of teeth during their lifetime. By comparison, sharks will get about 40!
  9. Every single year, students in America lose 51 million hours of class time due to dental-related maladies.
  10. Consumers in America buy about 14 million gallons of toothpaste every single year.
  11. If you think kids eat more candy than adults, you’d better think again. The truth is, adults consume about 65% of all the candy made in the United States
  12. Over the course of your lifetime, you are likely to spend about 38 days brushing your teeth.
  13. Snails have about 25 teeth in the weirdest place: on their tongue.
  14. The most common childhood disease is one your dentist knows too well: tooth decay.
  15. You can reduce your chance of tooth decay by 25% by brushing daily.
  16. About 80% of dental injuries sustained by children in the United States happen to their front teeth.
  17. A tooth that gets knocked out has to be treated fast: it will start to die within 15 minutes.
  18. Your tongue prints are unique! No two are alike.
  19. People used to use charcoal ashes, lemon juice, chalk, and other odd stuff to brush their teeth.
  20. So-called “milk teeth” start to form while the baby is still in the womb, but they don’t actually show up until a child is six months to a year old.
  21. Modern toothpaste is a fairly new thing: it has only been around for about 100 years.
  22. George Washington only had one real tooth at the time of his inauguration!
  23. About 25% of kids won’t have seen a dentist near Manahawkin before they reach kindergarten. Parents, do something about that!
  24. Your teeth – or at the least the parts you can see – are only part of your dental health concerns, because about one third of your teeth are actually located underneath your gums.
  25. If you added up all the people on Earth right now, it wouldn’t tally up to the number of bacteria in your mouth RIGHT NOW!

Pretty amazing stuff, huh? It’s easy to see why your pearly whites are so fascinating. They are far more interesting than people realize!

5 Common Dental Problems Almost Everyone Has

Posted on: April 20th, 2018 by admin No Comments

Dental problems. Many of us are embarrassed by the dental problems we have, but the truth is that just about everyone has some sort of dental malady or another. It’s not unusual, and therefore is nothing to be embarrassed about – as long as you’re getting it treated by your local dentist, that is! Here are five of the most common:

woman-covered-mouth-pexels-photo-6989281) Bad Breath

If you have bad breath, you are not alone. The truth is, there is no larger oral health problem than bad breath, also called halitosis. In 4 out of 5 cases, a dental condition is to blame. This can be dry mouth, having cavities, gum disease, bacteria on your tongue and other factors.

2) Mouth Sores

If you have them, don’t worry. Lots of people do. They come in many varieties, too.  Canker sores, cold sores, fever blisters, ulcers, and more among the most common. They can be really bothersome! Thankfully, they are rarely anything more than a nuisance. They often go away after a few weeks. Once in a while one of them can point to a bigger problem. If you have a mouth sore that lasts for more than two weeks, see your Ocean County dentist!

3) Cavities

The scourge of tooth decay is one of the most common oral health problems in America, and in fact it’s one of the most common medical problems of all. Cavities hit almost as many Americans as the common cold. If you brush twice a day, however, and remember to floss, watch what you eat , and more, you’ll enjoy the best defense – which is prevention!

4) Gum Disease

Technically this is known as periodontal disease. Gum disease happens when the gums surrounding your pearly whites become infected. This usually begins with gingivitis. After a while it progresses and may lead to tooth loss. Gum disease is actually the most common reason for tooth loss among adults

5) Oral Cancer

Oral cancer doesn’t get the attention other cancers do, so you might be surprised to learn that there are 300,000 new cases of oral cancer diagnosed each year. At any time, millions of Americans may have oral cancer. As with any cancer, it can be a deadly problem if left untreated, but thankfully it’s also very treatable, especially if caught early. That’s a good reason to see your dentist regularly!

We’re sure almost everyone reading this has suffered from at least one of these at one time or another. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Just be sure to see your dentist near Manahawkin regularly so small problems don’t become big ones!

If You Want Whiter Teeth, Avoid These Food And Drinks

Posted on: December 11th, 2017 by admin No Comments


header_bridgesYou want whiter teeth. We all do. The confidence that comes with having a white, bright smile can be a huge part of living a happy life.

Modern teeth whitening treatments can help you get the glowing teeth you’ve always wanted, but if you want to keep that smile you’ll want to avoid eating or drinking too much of the following:

  • Coffee – You had to know this would make the list. As much as many of us don’t like to hear it, coffee is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to staining your teeth. It may be the morning pick me up for half of America, but it’s also putting a damper on our bright smiles.
  • Red Wine – Like coffee, red wine is a big favorite that can also wreak havoc with our teeth. It’s no surprise that so many red wine enthusiasts end up seeking a teeth whitening treatment, available to people in Barnegat, Manahawkin, Forked River and beyond. Long years of the good stuff is a great part of your social life, but a bad part of your dental life.
  • Tea – Sorry, caffeine lovers, switching from coffee to tea will not cure your teeth staining blues. In fact, tea can be even more aggressive on your teeth than coffee. High in tannins and somewhat acidic, a lot of tea in your diet can be bad news for your teeth (and also, incidentally, for your kidneys). The good news is, black tea is the primary culprit. Switching to green, white and herbal teas can help.
  • Cola – Your dentist in Ocean County has probably been telling you for years that soda is bad for your teeth. It’s something we all learned in childhood: all that sugar in soda will rot away your teeth. What they didn’t tell us is that cola can stain your teeth, too. The sugar, when couples with the dyes and coloring and other ingredients of cola, means you’ll be seeking a teeth whitening after a few years of regular cola consumption.
  • Blueberries – Blueberries are a great part of your diet. High in antioxidants, they’re some of the very best fruits you can be eating – except, of course, when it comes to your teeth. Blueberries are especially high in tooth-staining colors, which is one of the reasons they were historically used in dyes. Blackberries, raspberries and other dark berries have similar qualities, but blueberries are by far the worst. Keep eating them – they’re good for you – just be sure to brush when you’re done.
  • Tomato Sauce – Sorry, pasta lovers, but that great red sauce that is used in every other pasta dish you enjoy also has qualities that can contribute to stained teeth. The acidic nature of tomatoes coupled with their deep red color means that you may want to see your Ocean County dentist after long years of eating Italian food.

All of this may seem like bad news, but it’s not. Most of the above food and drinks have good health qualities (though you may want to skip the cola), and their staining effects can be reversed by modern teeth whitening treatments. Remember, consume them in moderation, practice good oral hygiene, and you can have a great smile your whole life long.

Don’t Be Afraid Of Your Smile

Posted on: December 6th, 2017 by admin No Comments

There are few things more important than our smile. It is a key factor in the first impression we give people. It tells others the kind of person we are, the mood we are in, and how we look at life.


Yet too many of us are afraid to embrace our smile. We are self-conscious. We don’t let our smile shine the way we should. Reasons we don’t smile as big and beautifully as we should include:

  • Our teeth lose their shine with age
  • We have crooked or misaligned teeth
  • Years of coffee and alcohol have yellowed our teeth
  • A lack of confidence
  • We are miserable

The thing is, hiding your smile does you a great disservice. Your smile does more for you than you realize. In many ways, it can be your most alluring feature. Here are things your smile does for you:

  • Makes you more attractive than makeup, according to a recent study
  • Give people a good first impression of you
  • Can brighten your own mood; the more you smile, the more you’ll want to smile
  • Puts those around you in better spirits
  • Boosts your confidence and self-esteem
  • Gives your customers/clients the impression that you are offering great service

And that list only just begins to scratch the surface of how beneficial your smile can be for you. No matter your field, no matter your walk of life, no matter the nature of your social life, your smile is truly a BIG DEAL.


Knowing that, you’ll probably consider asking your dentist in Barnegat what they can do to help you improve your smile. It’s a good question!

The basics, of course, always apply:

  • Brush at least twice daily
  • Minimize your intake of coffee and soda
  • Floss regularly
  • Consider asking your dentist for a whitening treatment

But what if you already do these things? What if your issues with your smile are much bigger than something a little brushing could solve? Then you might consider some cosmetic dentistry. Cosmetic procedures are easy, affordable, and can do amazing things for your appearance.


Here are some of the basic procedures to know about:

Veneers – Typically made or porcelain, these are shaped to conform to your teeth and then placed over them, allowing you to restore perfect whiteness while also addressing minor straightening and “snaggletooth” issues.

Whitening – Simple, safe, fast and effective, in-office whitening treatments can greatly enhance your smile at little cost.

Composites & Implants – Intended for those who have lost teeth, this is a way to fill gaps in your mouth with a natural look. They are also used for those with unsightly dark fillings.

Straightening – One of the oldest and most common cosmetic dentistry procedures, this process is a method to (you guessed it) straighten your teeth. There are several ways to accomplish this, depending on your needs.

If any of these options sound right for you, contact a dentist serving Barnegat, Manahawkin, and Forked River today for more details!