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25 Amazing Facts About Teeth!

Posts Tagged ‘ trivia ’

25 Amazing Facts About Teeth!

Posted on: April 24th, 2024 by admin No Comments

Teeth! We see them every day. We work with them every day. That’s no surprise, we’re dentists, after all!

Even so, they never cease to amaze us. We bet you’ll be amazed, too, when you read some of these incredible facts about your pearly whites:

  1. Surveys indicate that 50% of people say that someone’s smile is the first thing they notice.
  2. The hardest part of your body? Your tooth enamel.
  3. Some 80% of dental injuries sustained by children are to their front teeth.
  4. Consumers in the U.S. buy 14 million gallons of toothpaste every year.
  5. Over the course of your life, you will spend about 38 days brushing your teeth.
  6. Snails have about 25 teeth – and they are located on their tongue.
  7. Adult humans have 32 teeth. Babies, however, only have 20 teeth.
  8. A tooth that gets knocked out will start to die within 15 minutes.
  9. You can extend the life of a knocked out tooth by placing it in milk or holding it in your mouth. Remember that if you have to take an emergency trip to your Barnegat, NJ dentist!
  10. The amount of saliva you produce in a lifetime is enough to fill two swimming pools!
  11. Mosquitoes have teeth! Usually about 47 is all.
  12. So-called “milk teeth” begin to form in the womb, but don’t actually show until a child is six months to a year old.
  13. Some 25% of children won’t have seen a dentist before they enter kindergarten. That number is too low!
  14. Modern toothpaste has only been around for about 100 years.
  15. Think your fingerprints are unique? So are your tongue prints! No two are alike.
  16. In the past, people used charcoal ashes, chalk, lemon juice, and other concoctions to brush their teeth.
  17. Think kids eat more candy than adults? Think again. Adults consume about 65% of all the candy produced in the U.S.
  18. The most common childhood disease is none other than tooth decay.
  19. Brushing daily can reduce your chance of tooth decay by 25%.
  20. When you don’t floss, you miss cleaning up to 35% of your tooth’s surface area.
  21. Humans have two sets of teeth during their lifestyle. By contrast, sharks have about 40.
  22. Every year, students lose 51 million hours of school due to dental-related illness.
  23. What you think of as your teeth is only part of the story; one third of your teeth are located underneath your gums.
  24. You could add up all the people on Earth and it still wouldn’t add up to the amount of bacteria in your mouth RIGHT NOW!
  25. At the time of his inauguration, George Washington only had one real tooth!

Pretty amazing stuff, huh? As a dentist in Ocean County, NJ, it’s easy to see why we are so fascinated with your pearly whites. They are a lot more interesting than people realize!

25 Fascinating Facts About Animal Teeth

Posted on: March 8th, 2023 by admin

We all know that animals have teeth, but did you know that some animals have some pretty crazy teeth? Needless to say, as dentists near Waretown, we have an interest in teeth. In this article, we will discuss 25 fascinating facts about animal teeth. From the kangaroo rat, which has incisors that never stop growing, to the narwhal, which has a tusk that is actually a tooth, there are plenty of interesting things to learn about animal dentition!

1. The largest teeth in the world are found on the sperm whale, and they can reach up to 17 inches long!

2. Narwhals have an iconic tusk that is actually a large tooth which can grow up to 10 feet long!

3. Aardvarks have no upper incisors but their lower incisors can grow up to 3 inches long and they use them to dig burrows in the ground.

4. Hippos have incredibly strong teeth; they are able to crush bones with just one bite!

5. Elephants’ molars never stop growing throughout their life, some measuring over 7 inches wide!

6. Walruses possess two sets of teeth, one for their upper jaw and another for their lower.

7. The kangaroo rat has incisors that never stop growing, which they use to cut through tough vegetation.

8. Crocodiles have up to 80 teeth in their mouths, but they lose and replace them throughout their lives!

9. Sloths can rotate each of their six lower front teeth independently so they are able to chew on leaves no matter how thick or tough they may be.

10. Koalas have sharp cheekteeth which help them grind up the tough eucalyptus leaves that make up most of its diet.

11. Pigs can have between 20-40 teeth in their mouths, and their lower teeth are particularly sharp for cutting through tough vegetation.

12. Horses have between 40-44 teeth which they use to grind down tough plants like grasses and hay.

13. Tigers have incredibly powerful jaws; each of their canines are nearly 3 inches long!

14. Sharks have multiple sets of razor-sharp teeth that they use to tear apart their prey.

15. Giraffes have molars on the top and bottom of their mouth with flat surfaces that help them grind down plant matter before swallowing it.

16. Rats have orange-colored incisors that never stop growing throughout their lifetime, which is why they continuously need to chew on hard materials such as wood or plastic to keep their teeth trimmed.

17. Rabbits have two sets of teeth, 24 incisors at the front and 16 molars in the back.

18. Snakes have up to 500 razor-sharp teeth in their mouths that are used for capturing and eating prey.

19. Humans possess 20 primary teeth which begin to appear between 6-12 months old and then another set of 32 permanent adult teeth that come in around the age of 6 or 7 years old.

20. Bats have sharp canine teeth for puncturing fruit and small insects such as mosquitoes or flies, as well as flat molars for crushing them up before swallowing them whole.

21. Ducks have a combination of both short pointed beaks and longer flat beaks which they use to catch both small prey and larger animals such as frogs or fish.

22. Seagulls have sharp hooked beaks which they use to tear apart their food before swallowing it whole.

23. Lizards have sharp pointed teeth for catching insects, as well as wide molars for crushing them up before eating.

24. Squirrels have four large incisors at the front of their mouth which are used for cutting through tough nuts and seeds.

25. Owls have razor-sharp talons on their feet and curved sharp beaks for tearing apart their prey before consumption!

BONUS: 26. Parrots have beaks that are specially adapted for cracking open nuts and seeds, as well as sharp tongue-like organs for catching insects.

From the sperm whale with its massive teeth to the kangaroo rat with ever-growing incisors, from the hippo’s strong teeth capable of crushing bones in one bite to the seagull’s hooked beak designed for tearing apart prey, teeth and beaks come in all shapes and sizes. Each species has adapted its dental structure over time in order to survive in their specific environment. Whether you’re looking at a giant elephant or a tiny mouse, the variety of mammal teeth on display is truly amazing!

Want to learn more? Visit your favorite dentists near Waretown!

Yet Another 30 Wild Facts About Teeth

Posted on: September 21st, 2022 by admin

If you liked our list of 30 crazy facts about teeth and 25 more insane facts about teeth, good news: We have more! The next time you visit your local dental office, try sharing a few of these. The staff will be impressed!

So without further ado, here are some more wild facts we dug up about your pearly whites:

  1. There are over 150 different types of toothpaste currently on the market.
  2. The average person spends 38 days brushing their teeth in their lifetime.
  3. There are over 700 different species of bacteria that live in your mouth.
  4. Your mouth is home to more bacteria than any other part of your body.
  5. 90% of all diseases start in the mouth.
  6. Your saliva is capable of killing bacteria.
  7. Your teeth are as strong as your bones.
  8. Teeth are the only part of the human body that can’t heal themselves.
  9. Cavities are caused by a combination of plaque and acid.
  10. The enamel on your teeth is the hardest substance in your body.
  11. Tooth enamel is harder than steel.
  12. Your teeth are as unique as your fingerprints.
  13. You get two sets of teeth in your lifetime – baby teeth and adult teeth.
  14. Milk teeth start to appear around six months old.
  15. Most people have 32 adult teeth by the time they reach adulthood.
  16. The average person will lose 12 teeth in their lifetime.
  17. The oldest human tooth found was over 14,000 years old.
  18. A human embryo’s teeth start to form around six weeks after conception.
  19. Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in your body, but it can be eroded by acid.
  20. You should avoid brushing your teeth immediately after eating or drinking acidic foods or beverages.
  21. You should also avoid chewing on hard objects, such as ice or hard candy.
  22. The first toothbrush was invented in China in 1498. It was made out of hog bristles!
  23. The first toothpaste was invented in Egypt around 5000 years ago. It was made out of ground up bones and ashes.
  24. The first dental school was established in France in 1728.
  25. Dentistry is the fifth oldest profession in the world.
  26. There are over 200 different diseases that can affect the teeth and gums.
  27. The most common type of tooth decay is cavities.
  28. Cavities are caused by a combination of plaque and acid.
  29. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on your teeth.
  30. Do you have more trivia for us? Let us know in the comments below!

And there you have it, 30 more wild facts about teeth! We hope you learned something new and interesting. Did we miss anything?

And remember, if you have any questions or concerns about your dental health, be sure to visit your local dentist regularly.

25 More Insane Facts About Teeth

Posted on: September 14th, 2022 by admin

Last week, we shared 30 crazy facts about teeth. We love this sort of trivia, and not just because we’re a dentist near Manahawkin with a staff that thinks about teeth all day. We just find it interesting!

So with that in mind, here are 25 more wild facts we dug up that will help you see teeth in a different way.

  1. Chewing sugar-free gum can help remove food from your teeth and prevent cavities.
  2. Dental floss was invented in 1815 by a New Orleans dentist named Levi Spear Parmly.
  3. The first toothbrush was invented in China in 1498. It was made out of hog bristles!
  4. The first toothpaste was made in Egypt over 5000 years ago. It was made from a mixture of powdered ashes, water, and vinegar.
  5. The first dental school was established in Baltimore, Maryland in 1840.
  6. In ancient Rome, people used to whiten their teeth with urine.
  7. George Washington’s false teeth were actually made out of human teeth and ivory.
  8. Napoleon Bonaparte’s wife Josephine had very bad breath, which is why he divorced her.
  9. Queen Elizabeth I wore a set of pearls around her neck to cover up the fact that she had only one tooth left!
  10. There are over 3000 different types of toothpicks currently on the market.
  11. 25% of Americans say that they would rather go to the dentist than do their taxes.
  12. The fear of going to the dentist is called Odontophobia.
  13. Dental phobia affects about 15% of Americans.
  14. The average person produces 25,000 quarts of saliva in their lifetime, which is enough to fill two swimming pools!
  15. Your mouth produces more bacteria when you are sleep deprived.
  16. You should brush your teeth for two minutes, twice a day.
  17. There are over 100 different types of gum disease.
  18. Gingivitis is the early stage of gum disease, and it is reversible with proper dental care.
  19. Periodontitis is the advanced stage of gum disease, and it can lead to tooth loss.
  20. Smoking is the leading cause of periodontitis.
  21. Dental implants are the most common type of tooth replacement.
  22. Dental bridges and dentures are also options for tooth replacement.
  23. Wisdom teeth are typically removed because there is not enough room for them in the mouth.
  24. impacted wisdom teeth can lead to pain, infection, and damage to other teeth.
  25. The American Dental Association recommends that you visit the dentist every six months for a professional cleaning and check-up.

We hope you learned something new and interesting. Did we miss any important facts? Let us know! And remember, if you have any questions or concerns about your dental health, be sure to visit your local dentist regularly.

30 Crazy Facts About Teeth

Posted on: September 7th, 2022 by admin

Do you know what the world’s largest teeth are? How about the smallest? What is the toothiest animal on Earth? The staff here at your local dentist office loves this sort of trivia, so let’s answer all of these questions and more! Teeth are a fascinating part of our anatomy, and there is a lot to learn about them. So without further ado, let’s get started!

  1. The world’s largest teeth belong to the blue whale. These massive creatures can have teeth that are up to a foot long!
  2. The smallest teeth in the world belong to a species of rodent known as the pygmy shrew. These tiny animals have teeth that are less than a millimeter in length!
  3. The toothiest animal on Earth is actually not a mammal, but a fish! The lamprey is a type of parasitic fish that can have up to 100 rows of razor-sharp teeth. These teeth are so sharp that they can actually slice through flesh and bone!
  4. Did you know that humans are not the only animals with two sets of teeth? Baby sharks actually have three sets of teeth! They lose their first set of teeth before they are even born, and then they lose their second set of teeth as they grow older.
  5. The enamel on your teeth is the hardest substance in your entire body.
  6. There are more bacteria in your mouth than there are people on Earth.
  7. Most people have 32 permanent teeth, but some people can have up to 42 or more.
  8. humans have fewer teeth than most animals. For example, elephants have 36 molars (that’s six per quadrant).
  9. Your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body.
  10. A toothpick is the most common item found on beach clean-ups.
  11. It takes about 50 years for a tooth to decompose in landfill.
  12. Every day, 200 million people brush their teeth worldwide.
  13. There are over 300 different types of bacteria that live in your mouth.
  14. The average person spends 38. five days brushing their teeth over their lifetime.
  15. The first ever dental surgery was performed in 1498!
  16. more than 25% of the world’s population does not have access to basic dental care.
  17. less than half of Americans floss daily even though it is recommended by dentists.
  18. Sugar isn’t the only thing that causes cavities. Starch can also lead to tooth decay.
  19. The enamel on your teeth is thinner than a sheet of paper.
  20. You should brush your tongue as well as your teeth to keep your mouth healthy.
  21. brushing too hard can actually damage your gums and wear down the enamel on your teeth.
  22. The bristles on your toothbrush should be soft in order to avoid damaging your gums.
  23. You should replace your toothbrush every three months, or sooner if the bristles start to fray.
  24. There are over 600 different types of bacteria that live in plaque.
  25. Flossing is just as important as brushing when it comes to keeping your teeth clean.
  26. Plaque can lead to tooth decay and gum disease if it is not removed.
  27. You should floss at least once a day to keep your teeth and gums healthy.
  28. The best time to floss is at night before you go to bed.
  29. Water picks are a great alternative to flossing, and they can be used on the go.
  30. Mouthwash can help kill bacteria and freshen your breath at the same time.

These are just some of the many interesting facts about teeth! Did we miss any that you know of? Let us know during your next visit to your dental office in Ocean County.

You won’t BELIEVE these 25 facts about teeth!

Posted on: November 22nd, 2021 by admin

Dentists see teeth every day. They work with them every day. They know them inside and out.   Despite all this up close and personal experience, teeth never cease to amaze the people in your Ocean County dental office. We bet you’ll be amazed as well when you read some of these amazing facts about your pearly white teeth:

  1. Babies only have about 20 teeth. Once you grow into an adult, you get your full set of 32 teeth.
  2. Surveys suggest that 50% of folks say that a person’s smile is the first thing they notice.
  3. The hardest part of your body is in your mouth – your tooth enamel!
  4. The amount of saliva you produce over the course of your lifetime is enough to fill two entire swimming pools!
  5. Mosquitoes may seem to “bite,” and in fact they do have teeth! They have about 47 in all.
  6. You can extend the life of a tooth that gets knocked out by putting it in milk or placing it temporarily in your mouth. Keep that in mind if you have to take an emergency trip to your Ocean County dentist!
  7. When you skip flossing, you fail to clean up to 35% of your tooth surface area.
  8. Humans beings will get two sets of teeth during their lifetime. By comparison, sharks will get about 40!
  9. Every single year, students in America lose 51 million hours of class time due to dental-related maladies.
  10. Consumers in America buy about 14 million gallons of toothpaste every single year.
  11. If you think kids eat more candy than adults, you’d better think again. The truth is, adults consume about 65% of all the candy made in the United States
  12. Over the course of your lifetime, you are likely to spend about 38 days brushing your teeth.
  13. Snails have about 25 teeth in the weirdest place: on their tongue.
  14. The most common childhood disease is one your dentist knows too well: tooth decay.
  15. You can reduce your chance of tooth decay by 25% by brushing daily.
  16. About 80% of dental injuries sustained by children in the United States happen to their front teeth.
  17. A tooth that gets knocked out has to be treated fast: it will start to die within 15 minutes.
  18. Your tongue prints are unique! No two are alike.
  19. People used to use charcoal ashes, lemon juice, chalk, and other odd stuff to brush their teeth.
  20. So-called “milk teeth” start to form while the baby is still in the womb, but they don’t actually show up until a child is six months to a year old.
  21. Modern toothpaste is a fairly new thing: it has only been around for about 100 years.
  22. George Washington only had one real tooth at the time of his inauguration!
  23. About 25% of kids won’t have seen a dentist near Manahawkin before they reach kindergarten. Parents, do something about that!
  24. Your teeth – or at the least the parts you can see – are only part of your dental health concerns, because about one third of your teeth are actually located underneath your gums.
  25. If you added up all the people on Earth right now, it wouldn’t tally up to the number of bacteria in your mouth RIGHT NOW!

Pretty amazing stuff, huh? It’s easy to see why your pearly whites are so fascinating. They are far more interesting than people realize!

25 Insane Facts About Teeth!

Posted on: September 8th, 2021 by admin

You might think they’re just your chompers, but your teeth are some of the most fascinating parts of the human body. We’re not saying that just because we’re dentists, either. If you don’t believe us, just take a look at these amazing facts:

  1. The plaque our dental hygienists near Forked River remove from your teeth can be home to up to 300 different types of bacteria!
  1. Gold crowns on teeth are nothing new. The ancient Romans used them to restore teeth decayed by cavities, too.
  1. Women smile on average 62 times each day. By contrast, men smile only 8 times a day.
  2. The most common disease in the United States is the common cold. Tooth decay is a close number 2, so be sure to visit your dentist near Lacey so you don’t end up on the list!
  1. Your dentist recommends brushing your teeth for two minutes to get the best results. Most people don’t follow that advice. The average person does it for just 48 seconds.
  2. The ancient Romans used toothpaste just like we do, but it was a little different. It was made from honey and crushed eggshells.
  1. It’s best not to put a cap on your toothbrush. Why is that? It’s because that can help promote even more bacterial growth on the brush than usual. Keep it in the open air!
  1. When you eat is just as important as what you eat. Eating sugary foods after a meal, for example, actually reduces the risk of cavities!
  1. A prison inmate in West Virginia once used dental floss to scale a wall and escape from jail.
  1. Elephant teeth are HUGE. They can measure nearly a foot across and weight up to six pounds.
  1. The hardest substance in your body is not your skull, it’s your tooth enamel!
  1. A knocked out tooth will start to die in just 15 minutes. The best way to help it last a little longer is to put it in milk or hold it in your mouth.
  2. A single can of soda can contain a whopping 12 teaspoons of sugar. That’s as much sugar as six to twelve cups of coffee!
  3. The first bristled toothbrush was made in China all the way back in the late 1400s. The brush was made of hog, horse and badger hair, which sounds gross but was probably very effective.
  1. Crocodiles have it easy when it comes to taking care of their teeth. A species of bird called the crocodile bird acts as their personal dentist. This bird flies into the open mouths of crocs and cleans their teeth for them!
  2. Roughly 3 out of 4 Americans have Periodontal gum disease, sometimes minor, sometimes more severe.
  1. Dentists in Manahawkin want you to floss because if you skip flossing, you miss cleaning about 40% of your teeth surface!
  1. You’ll spend just over 38 days brushing your teeth over the course of your lifespan.
  1. The lowly toothpick is the biggest choking hazard in the U.S. More people choke on toothpicks every year than they do food.
  1. Your dental records are important. Much like your fingerprints, your teeth totally unique to you and can help identify you (as you probably know if you watch police shows and murder movies).
  2. Egyptian mummies have been found that had dental fillings!
  1. George Washington did NOT have wooden dentures. That is a myth. His dentures were actually made from ivory, metals, and animal teeth.
  1. A snail’s mouth contains over 25,000 teeth!
  1. Giraffes  do not have upper teeth, they only have bottom teeth!
  1. Sports injuries account for upwards of 5 million teeth getting knocked out each year!

Pretty fun stuff, right? We’ll be sure to share more with you in future blog posts, so check back and enjoy! In the meantime, follow us on Facebook!

25 Really Cool Facts You Didn’t Know About Teeth!

Posted on: November 20th, 2019 by admin

Dentists see teeth every day. They work with them every day. They know them inside and out.   Despite all this up close and personal experience, teeth never cease to amaze the people in your Ocean County dental office. We bet you’ll be amazed as well when you read some of these amazing facts about your pearly white teeth:

  1. Babies only have about 20 teeth. Once you grow into an adult, you get your full set of 32 teeth.
  2. Surveys suggest that 50% of folks say that a person’s smile is the first thing they notice.
  3. The hardest part of your body is in your mouth – your tooth enamel!
  4. The amount of saliva you produce over the course of your lifetime is enough to fill two entire swimming pools!
  5. Mosquitoes may seem to “bite,” and in fact they do have teeth! They have about 47 in all.
  6. You can extend the life of a tooth that gets knocked out by putting it in milk or placing it temporarily in your mouth. Keep that in mind if you have to take an emergency trip to your Ocean County dentist!
  7. When you skip flossing, you fail to clean up to 35% of your tooth surface area.
  8. Humans beings will get two sets of teeth during their lifetime. By comparison, sharks will get about 40!
  9. Every single year, students in America lose 51 million hours of class time due to dental-related maladies.
  10. Consumers in America buy about 14 million gallons of toothpaste every single year.
  11. If you think kids eat more candy than adults, you’d better think again. The truth is, adults consume about 65% of all the candy made in the United States
  12. Over the course of your lifetime, you are likely to spend about 38 days brushing your teeth.
  13. Snails have about 25 teeth in the weirdest place: on their tongue.
  14. The most common childhood disease is one your dentist knows too well: tooth decay.
  15. You can reduce your chance of tooth decay by 25% by brushing daily.
  16. About 80% of dental injuries sustained by children in the United States happen to their front teeth.
  17. A tooth that gets knocked out has to be treated fast: it will start to die within 15 minutes.
  18. Your tongue prints are unique! No two are alike.
  19. People used to use charcoal ashes, lemon juice, chalk, and other odd stuff to brush their teeth.
  20. So-called “milk teeth” start to form while the baby is still in the womb, but they don’t actually show up until a child is six months to a year old.
  21. Modern toothpaste is a fairly new thing: it has only been around for about 100 years.
  22. George Washington only had one real tooth at the time of his inauguration!
  23. About 25% of kids won’t have seen a dentist near Manahawkin before they reach kindergarten. Parents, do something about that!
  24. Your teeth – or at the least the parts you can see – are only part of your dental health concerns, because about one third of your teeth are actually located underneath your gums.
  25. If you added up all the people on Earth right now, it wouldn’t tally up to the number of bacteria in your mouth RIGHT NOW!

Pretty amazing stuff, huh? It’s easy to see why your pearly whites are so fascinating. They are far more interesting than people realize!

25 Cool Things About Teeth You May Not Know

Posted on: September 4th, 2019 by admin

You might think they’re just your chompers, but your teeth are some of the most fascinating parts of the human body. We’re not saying that just because we’re dentists, either. If you don’t believe us, just take a look at these amazing facts:

Funny Smiling Chimpanzee Barnegat Manahawkin Dentist

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/black-chimpanzee-smiling-50582/

  1. The plaque our dental hygienists near Forked River remove from your teeth can be home to up to 300 different types of bacteria!
  1. Gold crowns on teeth are nothing new. The ancient Romans used them to restore teeth decayed by cavities, too.
  1. Women smile on average 62 times each day. By contrast, men smile only 8 times a day.
  2. The most common disease in the United States is the common cold. Tooth decay is a close number 2, so be sure to visit your dentist near Lacey so you don’t end up on the list!
  1. Your dentist recommends brushing your teeth for two minutes to get the best results. Most people don’t follow that advice. The average person does it for just 48 seconds.
  2. The ancient Romans used toothpaste just like we do, but it was a little different. It was made from honey and crushed eggshells.
  1. It’s best not to put a cap on your toothbrush. Why is that? It’s because that can help promote even more bacterial growth on the brush than usual. Keep it in the open air!
  1. When you eat is just as important as what you eat. Eating sugary foods after a meal, for example, actually reduces the risk of cavities!
  1. A prison inmate in West Virginia once used dental floss to scale a wall and escape from jail.
  1. Elephant teeth are HUGE. They can measure nearly a foot across and weight up to six pounds.
  1. The hardest substance in your body is not your skull, it’s your tooth enamel!
  1. A knocked out tooth will start to die in just 15 minutes. The best way to help it last a little longer is to put it in milk or hold it in your mouth.
  2. A single can of soda can contain a whopping 12 teaspoons of sugar. That’s as much sugar as six to twelve cups of coffee!
  3. The first bristled toothbrush was made in China all the way back in the late 1400s. The brush was made of hog, horse and badger hair, which sounds gross but was probably very effective.
  1. Crocodiles have it easy when it comes to taking care of their teeth. A species of bird called the crocodile bird acts as their personal dentist. This bird flies into the open mouths of crocs and cleans their teeth for them!
  2. Roughly 3 out of 4 Americans have Periodontal gum disease, sometimes minor, sometimes more severe.
  1. Dentists in Manahawkin want you to floss because if you skip flossing, you miss cleaning about 40% of your teeth surface!
  1. You’ll spend just over 38 days brushing your teeth over the course of your lifespan.
  1. The lowly toothpick is the biggest choking hazard in the U.S. More people choke on toothpicks every year than they do food.
  1. Your dental records are important. Much like your fingerprints, your teeth totally unique to you and can help identify you (as you probably know if you watch police shows and murder movies).
  2. Egyptian mummies have been found that had dental fillings!
  1. George Washington did NOT have wooden dentures. That is a myth. His dentures were actually made from ivory, metals, and animal teeth.
  1. A snail’s mouth contains over 25,000 teeth!
  1. Giraffes  do not have upper teeth, they only have bottom teeth!
  1. Sports injuries account for upwards of 5 million teeth getting knocked out each year!

Pretty fun stuff, right? We’ll be sure to share more with you in future blog posts, so check back and enjoy! In the meantime, follow us on Facebook!

Animals are amazing, and so are their TEETH!

Posted on: March 13th, 2019 by admin No Comments

As dentists in Southern Ocean County, we see teeth of all shapes and sizes and configurations. The stuff we deal with, however, is pretty tame compared to the wild world of animal teeth. Consider these amazing facts:

Elephants – Elephants get a new set of teeth every 10 years so, with up to six to ten sets coming in over the course of their lifetime. Losing their teeth can be an Earth-shaking experience, too, because elephant molars can weigh up to ten pounds each! No wonder elephants don’t chew their food, they grind it. If you count their tusks, elephants also have the longest teeth in the world. They can weigh up to 400 pounds!

Snails – Snails are small and gross, but from a teeth perspective they are pretty amazing. They can have upwards of 25,000 teeth – and they’re located on their tongue!


Dogs – Your dog may chew on anything and everything put in front of her, but chances are she’ll get less cavities than you do. Dogs are much less prone to cavities than humans are because their saliva has an extremely high pH level.

Sharks – Sharks lose their teeth on a regular basis, often on a weekly basis, but they are replaced quickly by row after row of fearsome teeth that are constantly growing in behind the main set.

Crocodiles – Just like sharks, crocs lose their teeth often, but when any of their 60 teeth come out, another quickly grows in its place. Over the course of their lifetime a crocodile may end up having thousands of teeth. Another fun fact: crocs keep a clean mouth thanks to the help of small birds called Crocodile Birds that fly in and clean their teeth for then. We’re glad the birds do it, because no sane New Jersey dentist would stick their head in a crocodile’s mouth!

Dolphins – Dolphins may not resemble trees, but they do in one weird way: you can tell a dolphin’s age by counting the rings on its teeth.

Armadillos – These funny looking little creatures have 104 teeth – quite a lot for little guys. Not so funny is that armadillos are known to carry leprosy, the only animal other than humans known to be able to carry it.

Hippos – It may look like they only have four teeth when they open their mouth, but in fact hippos have about 40 teeth. You don’t see them because most of them are located well to the back of their mouth. (It’s also worth noting that they may look cute and docile, but hippos are actually highly dangerous, killing more people in Africa each year than any other animal.)

Rats – If you’ve ever had a pet rat, you know they like to gnaw on things. It’s not just a habit for them, either. They need to gnaw. Rat teeth never stop growing, so gnawing helps keep their teeth at a reasonable size. The same holds true for hamsters, gophers, beavers and mice.

Blue Whales – They are the largest creatures ever to have lived, having reached upwards of 110 feet long and the largest recorded weighing an astounding 190 tons. But they don’t have any teeth.

Giraffes – They’re much taller than you are, but their mouths are similar to yours in one way: giraffes have 32 teeth, just like you do. Still, we don’t think any Ocean County dentists are tall enough to treat a giraffe!


Can you think of any others? If so, feel free to comment on our Facebook. Maybe we can use them in a future column!