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5 Ways to Whiten Your Teeth at Home (and Why You Shouldn’t)

Posts Tagged ‘ white teeth ’

5 Ways to Whiten Your Teeth at Home (and Why You Shouldn’t)

Posted on: August 24th, 2022 by admin

It’s no secret that Americans are obsessed with white teeth. The brighter and whiter, the better! And because of this obsession, many people turn to home remedies to whiten their teeth. However, there are several reasons why you should avoid doing this and instead have your dentist whiten your teeth for you. In this blog post, we will discuss 5 ways to whiten your teeth at home (and why you shouldn’t).

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/women-s-white-and-black-button-up-collared-shirt-774909/

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to whiten your teeth, baking soda is one option. You can make a paste by mixing baking soda with water and brushing it onto your teeth. Some people also swear by using lemon juice as a natural bleaching agent. However, both of these methods are actually very abrasive and can damage the enamel on your teeth.

Another popular home remedy is using hydrogen peroxide. This method involves swishing hydrogen peroxide around in your mouth for several minutes before spitting it out. While this may sound like an effective way to whiten your teeth, hydrogen peroxide is actually very corrosive and can damage your gums and tooth enamel.

Perhaps the most common home remedy for whitening teeth is using whitening strips. These strips are designed to adhere to your teeth and Whiten them over time. However, many people find that these strips are very uncomfortable and can cause gum irritation. Additionally, they are not always effective at actually Whitening your teeth.

If you’re looking for a more natural way to Whiten your teeth, there are a few options available. You can try using coconut oil or apple cider vinegar as a mouthwash. Additionally, you can rub the inside of a banana peel on your teeth for about two minutes per day. While these methods may be more gentle than some of the other options, they are not necessarily any more effective.

The bottom line is that home remedies for whitening your teeth are not always the best option. Not only are they often ineffective, but they can also be very damaging to your teeth and gums. If you’re looking for a safe and effective way to Whiten your teeth, we recommend that you visit your dentist for a professional whitening treatment.

When it comes to Whitening your teeth, it’s important to understand that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The best way to achieve brighter, whiter teeth will vary depending on the individual.

If you are looking for a safe and effective way to achieve brighter teeth, we recommend that you visit your dentist for professional teeth whitening. Professional teeth whitening is the only way to guarantee whiter teeth, and it’s also much safer for your overall oral health. Contact our dental office in Barnegat today to schedule an appointment!

For whiter teeth, avoid these foods and drinks

Posted on: May 4th, 2022 by admin

We know you want whiter teeth. We all do. The confidence that comes with having a nice smile is hard to overestimate.

Modern teeth whitening treatments can help you get the nice, white teeth you’ve always wanted, but if you hope to keep that bright smile you should avoid eating or drinking too much of this:

  • Coffee – We know this is bad news fore many of you! As much as many of us don’t like to hear it, coffee is one of the worst culprits when it comes to staining your teeth. It may be the morning go-to for half of America, but it’s also one of the worst things for our bright smiles.
  • Cola – This is something we all learned as kids: all the sugar in soda will rot your teeth. What they didn’t tell us is that cola can stain your teeth, too. The sugar, dye, coloring and other ingredients of cola means you’ll be seeking need teeth whitening if you are a regular soda drinker and you want to maintain a bright smile.

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/women-s-white-and-black-button-up-collared-shirt-774909/

  • Red Wine – Red wine has some health benefits when enjoyed in moderation, but it can also wreak havoc with your teeth. It’s no surprise that so many red wine fans end up seeking teeth whitening treatments. Years of the good stuff can be a fun part of your social life, but a bad part of your dental life.
  • Tea – Sorry, caffeine lovers, switching from coffee to tea does not change things in this regard. In fact, tea can be even more abrasive on your teeth than coffee. High in tannins and rather acidic, too much tea in your diet can be bad news for your teeth. The good news is, black tea is the primary culprit. Switching to green, white and herbal teas can help.
  • Tomato Sauce – Sorry, everyone, we love tomato sauce too, but that traditional red sauce has qualities that can contribute to stained teeth. The acidic nature of tomatoes along with with their deep red color means if you want a whiter smile, you may want to see your dentist in Southern Ocean County after long years of eating Italian food.
  • Blueberries – Blueberries are a part of a healthy diet. High in antioxidants, they’re some of the very best fruit to eat – except when it comes to your teeth. Blueberries are high in tooth-staining colors, which is why they have historically been used in dyes. Blackberries, raspberries and other dark berries have similar qualities, though blueberries are more potent than all of them. They’re good for you, so keep eating, just be sure to brush when you’re done!

All of this may seem like bad news, but it’s not. Most of the above food and drinks have good health qualities (though you should skip the cola!), and their staining effects can be reversed by modern teeth whitening treatments. Remember, consume them in moderation, practice good oral hygiene, and you can have a great smile your whole life long.

The Truth About Improving Your Smile

Posted on: December 15th, 2020 by admin

There are few things more important than our smile. It is a key factor in the first impression we give people. It tells others the kind of person we are, the mood we are in, and how we look at life. Yet too many of us are afraid to embrace our smile. We are self-conscious. We don’t let our smile shine the way we should. Reasons we don’t smile as big and beautifully as we should include:

  • Our teeth lose their shine with age
  • We have crooked or misaligned teeth
  • Years of coffee and alcohol have yellowed our teeth
  • A lack of confidence
  • We are miserable

pexels-photo-312492The thing is, hiding your smile does you a great disservice. Your smile does more for you than you realize. In many ways, it can be your most alluring feature. Here are things your smile does for you:

  • Makes you more attractive than makeup, according to a recent study
  • Give people a good first impression of you
  • Can brighten your own mood; the more you smile, the more you’ll want to smile
  • Puts those around you in better spirits
  • Boosts your confidence and self-esteem
  • Gives your customers/clients the impression that you are offering great service

And that list only just begins to scratch the surface of how beneficial your smile can be for you. No matter your field, no matter your walk of life, no matter the nature of your social life, your smile is truly a BIG DEAL. Knowing that, you’ll probably consider asking your dentist in Barnegat what they can do to help you improve your smile. It’s a good question! The basics, of course, always apply:

  • Brush at least twice daily
  • Minimize your intake of coffee and soda
  • Floss regularly
  • Consider asking your dentist for a whitening treatment

But what if you already do these things? What if your issues with your smile are much bigger than something a little brushing could solve? Then you might consider some cosmetic dentistry. Cosmetic procedures are easy, affordable, and can do amazing things for your appearance. Here are some of the basic procedures to know about:

Veneers – Typically made or porcelain, these are shaped to conform to your teeth and then placed over them, allowing you to restore perfect whiteness while also addressing minor straightening and “snaggletooth” issues.

Whitening – Simple, safe, fast and effective, in-office whitening treatments can greatly enhance your smile at little cost.

Composites & Implants – Intended for those who have lost teeth, this is a way to fill gaps in your mouth with a natural look. They are also used for those with unsightly dark fillings.

Straightening – One of the oldest and most common cosmetic dentistry procedures, this process is a method to (you guessed it) straighten your teeth. There are several ways to accomplish this, depending on your needs. If any of these options sound right for you, contact a dentist serving Barnegat, Manahawkin, and Forked River today for more details!

These Foods and Drinks Can Dull Your White Teeth

Posted on: December 9th, 2020 by admin

pexels-photo-970204-coffee-desk-drawingYou want whiter teeth. We all do. The confidence that comes with having a white, bright smile can be a huge part of living a happy life.

Modern teeth whitening treatments can help you get the glowing teeth you’ve always wanted, but if you want to keep that smile you’ll want to avoid eating or drinking too much of the following:

  • Coffee – You had to know this would make the list. As much as many of us don’t like to hear it, coffee is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to staining your teeth. It may be the morning pick me up for half of America, but it’s also putting a damper on our bright smiles.
  • Red Wine – Like coffee, red wine is a big favorite that can also wreak havoc with our teeth. It’s no surprise that so many red wine enthusiasts end up seeking a teeth whitening treatment, available to people in Barnegat, Manahawkin, Forked River and beyond. Long years of the good stuff is a great part of your social life, but a bad part of your dental life.
  • Tea – Sorry, caffeine lovers, switching from coffee to tea will not cure your teeth staining blues. In fact, tea can be even more aggressive on your teeth than coffee. High in tannins and somewhat acidic, a lot of tea in your diet can be bad news for your teeth (and also, incidentally, for your kidneys). The good news is, black tea is the primary culprit. Switching to green, white and herbal teas can help.
  • Cola – Your dentist in Ocean County has probably been telling you for years that soda is bad for your teeth. It’s something we all learned in childhood: all that sugar in soda will rot away your teeth. What they didn’t tell us is that cola can stain your teeth, too. The sugar, when couples with the dyes and coloring and other ingredients of cola, means you’ll be seeking a teeth whitening after a few years of regular cola consumption.
  • Blueberries – Blueberries are a great part of your diet. High in antioxidants, they’re some of the very best fruits you can be eating – except, of course, when it comes to your teeth. Blueberries are especially high in tooth-staining colors, which is one of the reasons they were historically used in dyes. Blackberries, raspberries and other dark berries have similar qualities, but blueberries are by far the worst. Keep eating them – they’re good for you – just be sure to brush when you’re done.
  • Tomato Sauce – Sorry, pasta lovers, but that great red sauce that is used in every other pasta dish you enjoy also has qualities that can contribute to stained teeth. The acidic nature of tomatoes coupled with their deep red color means that you may want to see your Ocean County dentist after long years of eating Italian food.

All of this may seem like bad news, but it’s not. Most of the above food and drinks have good health qualities (though you may want to skip the cola), and their staining effects can be reversed by modern teeth whitening treatments. Remember, consume them in moderation, practice good oral hygiene, and you can have a great smile your whole life long.

How to Get Whiter, Brighter Teeth At Home

Posted on: August 26th, 2020 by admin

We know you want brighter and whiter teeth. You wouldn’t be reading this or visiting us here at Bayside Dentistry if you didn’t! Though the best results can only come after a visit to our office, there are some things you can do right in your own home to assist with making your teeth whiter. Here are some ideas:

Womans open mouth picture Barnegat Manahawkin Dental Office

pexels photo 922531

What To Do:

Brush Your Tongue

Brushing your tongue is not purely about keeping your breath fresh. Your tongue gets bacterial buildup, and that buildup that often results in staining on your teeth. Brushing your tongue helps ease that problem.

Eat Raw Fruits and Vegetables

The saying that an apple a day keeps the dentist away is true! Raw fruits and vegetables such as apples, pears, celery, carrots, and others help scrub away plaque and other elements that can stain, making them a nutritious way to maintain whiter teeth. Just don’t skip your visit to a dentist serving Forked River and Southern Ocean County, like Bayside Dentistry!

Use Apple Cider Vinegar

This is an organic teeth whitening technique you can try at home. Just rinse with apple cider vinegar. It’s that simple! Though not nearly as effective as the professional treatments you’ll get from your dentist – it’s not even close – it can offer pretty decent results and help you maintain some brightness. All you need to do is mix two parts water to one part apple cider vinegar and rinse.

Replace Your Toothbrush

You should be doing this no matter what! Keep in mind that due to bacterial buildup, you should replace your toothbrush every three to four months, because worn bristles become increasingly less effective at cleaning your teeth as they wear down.

Rinse Your Mouth After Eating Citrus

Oranges, lemons and others are delicious, but they can be bad for your teeth due to their high acidity. Eat them as much as you want, but rinse with water after you’re done. Your teeth will thank you for it.

Visit Your Dentist

All of the above suggestions will help alleviate the staining effects that time, eating, and drinking will have on the whiteness of your teeth, but if you desire noticeably whiter and brighter teeth, you’re going to want to ask your dentist about teeth whitening in Ocean County.

What NOT to do:

Do Not Use Baking Soda

This all-purpose cleaning agent is often suggested, but proceed with caution! Baking soda can be abrasive, wearing away the enamel of your teeth and eventually causing them to darken.

Drink Too Many Energy Drinks

You already know to avoid coffee and tea, but did you know that energy drinks can wear at your teeth color, too? The team here at Bayside will confirm that these drinks are highly acidic, causing them to wear at your tooth enamel. If you have to drink them, consider using a straw to help avoid your teeth.

Don’t Gorge on Dark Foods

Marinara sauce, blackberries and blueberries, dark sauces for your pasta, and similar foods may be tasty, but they can stain your teeth. If you do eat them, brush promptly afterward!

Finally, the best thing you can do for your white teeth? Have regular checkups with your dentist, especially if they are a dentist serving Manahawkin.

Some Food and Drinks to Avoid if you want Whiter Teeth

Posted on: May 7th, 2020 by admin

We know you want whiter teeth. We all do. The confidence that comes with having a nice smile is hard to overestimate.

Modern teeth whitening treatments can help you get the nice, white teeth you’ve always wanted, but if you hope to keep that bright smile you should avoid eating or drinking too much of this:

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/women-s-white-and-black-button-up-collared-shirt-774909/

  • Red Wine – Red wine has some health benefits when enjoyed in moderation, but it can also wreak havoc with your teeth. It’s no surprise that so many red wine fans end up seeking teeth whitening treatments. Years of the good stuff can be a fun part of your social life, but a bad part of your dental life.
  • Coffee – We know this is bad news fore many of you! As much as many of us don’t like to hear it, coffee is one of the worst culprits when it comes to staining your teeth. It may be the morning go-to for half of America, but it’s also one of the worst things for our bright smiles.
  • Tea – Sorry, caffeine lovers, switching from coffee to tea does not change things in this regard. In fact, tea can be even more abrasive on your teeth than coffee. High in tannins and rather acidic, too much tea in your diet can be bad news for your teeth. The good news is, black tea is the primary culprit. Switching to green, white and herbal teas can help.
  • Cola – This is something we all learned as kids: all the sugar in soda will rot your teeth. What they didn’t tell us is that cola can stain your teeth, too. The sugar, dye, coloring and other ingredients of cola means you’ll be seeking need teeth whitening if you are a regular soda drinker and you want to maintain a bright smile.
  • Blueberries – Blueberries are a part of a healthy diet. High in antioxidants, they’re some of the very best fruit to eat – except when it comes to your teeth. Blueberries are high in tooth-staining colors, which is why they have historically been used in dyes. Blackberries, raspberries and other dark berries have similar qualities, though blueberries are more potent than all of them. They’re good for you, so keep eating, just be sure to brush when you’re done!
  • Tomato Sauce – Sorry, everyone, we love tomato sauce too, but that traditional red sauce has qualities that can contribute to stained teeth. The acidic nature of tomatoes along with with their deep red color means if you want a whiter smile, you may want to see your dentist in Southern Ocean County after long years of eating Italian food.

All of this may seem like bad news, but it’s not. Most of the above food and drinks have good health qualities (though you should skip the cola!), and their staining effects can be reversed by modern teeth whitening treatments. Remember, consume them in moderation, practice good oral hygiene, and you can have a great smile your whole life long.

4 Tips To Become A Master Toothbrush Expert

Posted on: February 19th, 2020 by admin

By now, all adults know that they should be brushing twice daily. If you are reading this, you know it, too.

But that doesn’t mean there isn’t more to learn. For instance, consider these 4 tips that will make your brushing (and your choice in toothpaste) far more effective:

Tip #1: Sensitive Teeth? Try A Baking Soda-Based Toothpaste

We see a lot of patients who have sensitive teeth, so we know how frustrating the condition can be. We also know that having sensitive teeth means you must take a slightly different approach to oral health than others might. One way is in the brand of toothpaste you choose. Standard brands may be more abrasive than is comfortable for your teeth, or may contain chemicals that trigger sensitivity in your teeth. A good way to get around that problem is to choose baking soda-based toothpastes. These toothpastes tend to be softer and milder on the teeth, resulting in a gentler yet still effective brush that won’t leave your mouth feeling sensitive.


Tip #2: Understand That Not All Toothpastes Are Right For Everyone

It’s a common misconception that one toothpaste is pretty much the same as another. After all, it’s all just toothpaste, right? Wrong. The fact of the matter is, not all toothpastes are created alike. Many types of toothpaste are designed to address specific issues, such as sensitive teeth or staining. Others are made for children – children below a certain age should not be exposed to high levels of fluoride – while still others are ideal for people who prefer all-natural products. Yes, that means you may need to buy more than one tube of toothpaste for your family. That’s okay, though. That just means that everyone will be getting exactly what they need to maintain the best oral health possible. Nothing wrong with that!

Tip #3: Some Toothpastes May Accelerate Tooth Decay!

It may sound counterintuitive, but there are some toothpastes that could contribute to tooth decay even as they are helping you clean your teeth. How? By being overly sweet and full of sugars. You’ve probably seen them, usually aimed at children: toothpastes that practically taste like candy they are so sweet. Well, they almost taste like candy for the same reason candy tastes sweet. They are sweetened! It may be easier to get your little ones to use toothpastes like these, but as a general rule of thumb your dentist near Forked River suggests you should avoid them when possible. In some ways, using them defeats the purpose of brushing in the first place!


Tip #4: Brushing Is Only The Start

For too many Americans, their oral health regime begins and ends with brushing their teeth. While that is a great place to start – if you are mindful enough to be brushing at least twice a day, kudos to you – it is only the start. Good oral health includes mouth rinses, flossing, and regular checkups from your dentist. Remember, brushing is just one part of an overall plan of good oral health.

Keep these tips in mind and we guarantee your Ocean County dentist will have nothing but good news on your next visit!

Want Whiter Teeth? Avoid These Foods and Drinks!

Posted on: December 4th, 2019 by admin

pexels-photo-970204-coffee-desk-drawingYou want whiter teeth. We all do. The confidence that comes with having a white, bright smile can be a huge part of living a happy life.

Modern teeth whitening treatments can help you get the glowing teeth you’ve always wanted, but if you want to keep that smile you’ll want to avoid eating or drinking too much of the following:

  • Coffee – You had to know this would make the list. As much as many of us don’t like to hear it, coffee is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to staining your teeth. It may be the morning pick me up for half of America, but it’s also putting a damper on our bright smiles.
  • Red Wine – Like coffee, red wine is a big favorite that can also wreak havoc with our teeth. It’s no surprise that so many red wine enthusiasts end up seeking a teeth whitening treatment, available to people in Barnegat, Manahawkin, Forked River and beyond. Long years of the good stuff is a great part of your social life, but a bad part of your dental life.
  • Tea – Sorry, caffeine lovers, switching from coffee to tea will not cure your teeth staining blues. In fact, tea can be even more aggressive on your teeth than coffee. High in tannins and somewhat acidic, a lot of tea in your diet can be bad news for your teeth (and also, incidentally, for your kidneys). The good news is, black tea is the primary culprit. Switching to green, white and herbal teas can help.
  • Cola – Your dentist in Ocean County has probably been telling you for years that soda is bad for your teeth. It’s something we all learned in childhood: all that sugar in soda will rot away your teeth. What they didn’t tell us is that cola can stain your teeth, too. The sugar, when couples with the dyes and coloring and other ingredients of cola, means you’ll be seeking a teeth whitening after a few years of regular cola consumption.
  • Blueberries – Blueberries are a great part of your diet. High in antioxidants, they’re some of the very best fruits you can be eating – except, of course, when it comes to your teeth. Blueberries are especially high in tooth-staining colors, which is one of the reasons they were historically used in dyes. Blackberries, raspberries and other dark berries have similar qualities, but blueberries are by far the worst. Keep eating them – they’re good for you – just be sure to brush when you’re done.
  • Tomato Sauce – Sorry, pasta lovers, but that great red sauce that is used in every other pasta dish you enjoy also has qualities that can contribute to stained teeth. The acidic nature of tomatoes coupled with their deep red color means that you may want to see your Ocean County dentist after long years of eating Italian food.

All of this may seem like bad news, but it’s not. Most of the above food and drinks have good health qualities (though you may want to skip the cola), and their staining effects can be reversed by modern teeth whitening treatments. Remember, consume them in moderation, practice good oral hygiene, and you can have a great smile your whole life long.

Simple Teeth-Whitening Methods You Can Do At Home

Posted on: August 28th, 2019 by admin

We know you want brighter and whiter teeth. You wouldn’t be reading this or visiting us here at Bayside Dentistry if you didn’t! Though the best results can only come after a visit to our office, there are some things you can do right in your own home to assist with making your teeth whiter. Here are some ideas:

Womans open mouth picture Barnegat Manahawkin Dental Office

pexels photo 922531

What To Do:

Brush Your Tongue

Brushing your tongue is not purely about keeping your breath fresh. Your tongue gets bacterial buildup, and that buildup that often results in staining on your teeth. Brushing your tongue helps ease that problem.

Eat Raw Fruits and Vegetables

The saying that an apple a day keeps the dentist away is true! Raw fruits and vegetables such as apples, pears, celery, carrots, and others help scrub away plaque and other elements that can stain, making them a nutritious way to maintain whiter teeth. Just don’t skip your visit to a dentist serving Forked River and Southern Ocean County, like Bayside Dentistry!

Use Apple Cider Vinegar

This is an organic teeth whitening technique you can try at home. Just rinse with apple cider vinegar. It’s that simple! Though not nearly as effective as the professional treatments you’ll get from your dentist – it’s not even close – it can offer pretty decent results and help you maintain some brightness. All you need to do is mix two parts water to one part apple cider vinegar and rinse.

Replace Your Toothbrush

You should be doing this no matter what! Keep in mind that due to bacterial buildup, you should replace your toothbrush every three to four months, because worn bristles become increasingly less effective at cleaning your teeth as they wear down.

Rinse Your Mouth After Eating Citrus

Oranges, lemons and others are delicious, but they can be bad for your teeth due to their high acidity. Eat them as much as you want, but rinse with water after you’re done. Your teeth will thank you for it.

Visit Your Dentist

All of the above suggestions will help alleviate the staining effects that time, eating, and drinking will have on the whiteness of your teeth, but if you desire noticeably whiter and brighter teeth, you’re going to want to ask your dentist about teeth whitening in Ocean County.

What NOT to do:

Do Not Use Baking Soda

This all-purpose cleaning agent is often suggested, but proceed with caution! Baking soda can be abrasive, wearing away the enamel of your teeth and eventually causing them to darken.

Drink Too Many Energy Drinks

You already know to avoid coffee and tea, but did you know that energy drinks can wear at your teeth color, too? The team here at Bayside will confirm that these drinks are highly acidic, causing them to wear at your tooth enamel. If you have to drink them, consider using a straw to help avoid your teeth.

Don’t Gorge on Dark Foods

Marinara sauce, blackberries and blueberries, dark sauces for your pasta, and similar foods may be tasty, but they can stain your teeth. If you do eat them, brush promptly afterward!

Finally, the best thing you can do for your white teeth? Have regular checkups with your dentist, especially if they are a dentist serving Manahawkin.

Keep Your Teeth White By Avoiding These Food And Drinks

Posted on: May 7th, 2019 by admin

We know you want whiter teeth. We all do. The confidence that comes with having a nice smile is hard to overestimate.

Modern teeth whitening treatments can help you get the nice, white teeth you’ve always wanted, but if you hope to keep that bright smile you should avoid eating or drinking too much of this:

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/women-s-white-and-black-button-up-collared-shirt-774909/

  • Red Wine – Red wine has some health benefits when enjoyed in moderation, but it can also wreak havoc with your teeth. It’s no surprise that so many red wine fans end up seeking teeth whitening treatments. Years of the good stuff can be a fun part of your social life, but a bad part of your dental life.
  • Coffee – We know this is bad news fore many of you! As much as many of us don’t like to hear it, coffee is one of the worst culprits when it comes to staining your teeth. It may be the morning go-to for half of America, but it’s also one of the worst things for our bright smiles.

  • Tea – Sorry, caffeine lovers, switching from coffee to tea does not change things in this regard. In fact, tea can be even more abrasive on your teeth than coffee. High in tannins and rather acidic, too much tea in your diet can be bad news for your teeth. The good news is, black tea is the primary culprit. Switching to green, white and herbal teas can help.
  • Cola – This is something we all learned as kids: all the sugar in soda will rot your teeth. What they didn’t tell us is that cola can stain your teeth, too. The sugar, dye, coloring and other ingredients of cola means you’ll be seeking need teeth whitening if you are a regular soda drinker and you want to maintain a bright smile.
  • Blueberries – Blueberries are a part of a healthy diet. High in antioxidants, they’re some of the very best fruit to eat – except when it comes to your teeth. Blueberries are high in tooth-staining colors, which is why they have historically been used in dyes. Blackberries, raspberries and other dark berries have similar qualities, though blueberries are more potent than all of them. They’re good for you, so keep eating, just be sure to brush when you’re done!
  • Tomato Sauce – Sorry, everyone, we love tomato sauce too, but that traditional red sauce has qualities that can contribute to stained teeth. The acidic nature of tomatoes along with with their deep red color means if you want a whiter smile, you may want to see your dentist in Southern Ocean County after long years of eating Italian food.

All of this may seem like bad news, but it’s not. Most of the above food and drinks have good health qualities (though you should skip the cola!), and their staining effects can be reversed by modern teeth whitening treatments. Remember, consume them in moderation, practice good oral hygiene, and you can have a great smile your whole life long.